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Cigarettes, diet soda and cell phones – each one of them can cause cancer!

According to Natural News, extensive research into the connection between cell phone radiation and cancer has linked this ubiquitous modern technology to two main types of brain tumors: gliomas and acoustic neuromas. Information compiled by has confirmed the following findings with regard to cell phones and brain cancer.

1) An independent study commissioned by U.S. wireless carrier T-Mobile found that cell phone radiation directly initiates and promotes the formation of cancer.

2) The renowned Interphone study also found that regular cell phone use at just 30 minutes per day over 10 years increases the risk of gliomas by 40 percent. It also found that tumors were more likely to form on the side of the head where a cell phone is most prominently held.

3) A review of 23 epidemiological studies conducted by seven scientists concluded that cell phones cause a "harmful association" between cell phones and cancer. The only included studies that didn't suggest this were "lower quality" ones that researchers say "failed to meet scientific best practices" -- these studies were all funded by the mobile phone industry.

4) Researchers from the Hardell Research Group, which is noted for conducting what many consider to be the highest-quality studies on the subject, found a "consistent pattern" of increased risks for both glioma and acoustic neuroma in conjunction with mobile phone use.

5) A study out of France observed similar outcomes associated with prolonged exposure to electromagnetic frequencies from mobile phones. Scientists noted higher rates of gliomas and temporal tumors from "occupational and urban mobile phone use." In response, the EMF watchdog group Powerwatch noted that this study supports the categorization of mobile phone radiation as a "probable human carcinogen."

6) A study of nearly 800,000 middle-aged UK women found that those who used cell phones for 10 years or more had a 250 percent increased risk of developing an acoustic neuroma. The longer the women used the phones, the higher their risk.

7) Similarly, a study conducted by the group Lonn found that acoustic neuromas are increasingly more likely to develop the longer a person uses a mobile phone.

8) In Sweden, researchers studying adult brain tumor cases found that individuals with the highest cumulative use of mobile phones also had the highest risk of developing brain cancer.

9) The Hardell group conducted a study in 2009 which found that RF-EMFs from mobile and cordless phones are directly associated with malignant brain tumors. This study specifically states that wireless radiation initiates and promotes carcinogenesis.

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Cancer thrives in an acidic body where the cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrients. Yet, even worse than cigarettes are artificial sweeteners, which fool the body into ingesting them, as if they are food, and pollute the cleansing organs with mutagens. Some research shows that the body never excretes all of the aspartame, sorbitol, sucralose or saccharin. When a human consumes Equal, Splenda, NutraSweet, Sweet-n-Low, etc., their cleansing organs, like the liver, kidneys and pancreas, are overworking and malnourished. You cannot live without these organs. Aspartame is GMO, so the blood is infected, with synthetic carcinogens (which it does not release properly, if ever) which cause central nervous system (CNS) disorders and make you hungrier!

To see some fascinating and interesting clips regarding the truth about cigarettes, diet soda and cell phones and how each one of them can cause cancer, one can easily log onto:


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