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Change your lifestyle the Food Babe Way!!


According to Natural News, Food Babe Vani Hari is single-handedly convincing corporations to remove useless food toxins, and she's doing it the Food Babe Way!

Over the past three years, Vani has not only transformed her health and the quality of her life but also inspired many to become leaders of their own health. Vani's commitment to researching and understanding what's in the American food supply has also motivated entire food corporations to remove toxic additives from their widely produced food products.

Vani's graceful personality, unrelenting activist spirit and growing army of supporters have convinced companies like Kraft, Chipotle, Starbucks, Chick-fil-A and Subway to be more honest and remove artificial and controversial ingredients that are making the population sick.

Her new book, The Food Babe Way, is NOT about a diet. It's NOT about counting calories. This book is about finding and eliminating the chemicals in your food and increasing nutrient absorption every day of your life. It doesn't just focus on the problems. This book highlights the solutions -- teaching about the foods that make you feel good, inside and out.

The Food Babe teaches you how to remodel your food pantry to re-energize your cooking experience, discussing everything from cooking oils to microwaves. She teaches what to look for and what to ask about when dining out and how to eat organically while traveling. The book even includes daily checklists to help keep you on track with your goals.

The Food Babe Way tastefully teaches you how to vary your eating selection to maximize your nutritional intake and absorption. Vani discusses "10 Superhero Foods" that she encourages everyone to indulge in, superfoods that everyone can have access to in their own kitchen.

The Food Babe Way will help anyone address the root causes of disease by teaching that food is more than just calories. Food is information and instruction, communicating messages to your genes, hormones, gut flora and immune system. Is the food you're eating more often communicating disease or vitality?

To see some fascinating and interesting clips regarding the truth about Food Babe Vani Hari and her work, one can easily log onto:




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