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Quit smoking naturally for New Year's Eve! - A Natural News inside look at 14AndOut

Begin by asking yourself "why can't I quit?" Go ahead, say it out loud once. I'll wait ... "Why can't I quit?" ...Okay, good! Now, YOU ARE NOT going to like the answer, but you ARE going to love the solution. That's the difference between this organic method of cessation recommended by the Health Ranger, and all the others. You face yourself and you face reality. When you quit this time, you will know why you couldn't quit last time you tried, or thought about trying, and that's all the difference in the world.

When someone chooses not to do something, if they DON'T know the reasoning behind their choice, then the next time it rears up, they most likely will not make an educated decision, and that's how people repeat the same behaviors and mistakes, over and over, and over again.

What are your main reasons for smoking, and why haven't you quit, yet?

Do these excuses look familiar?

It's a break from work.
It's gets you out in the fresh air.
Your life is too stressful to quit right now.
Your friends do it.
Your co-workers do it.
Your parents smoke, or your best friend or significant other got you started.
You are actually going through a breathing routine and a hand to mouth ritual that helps you relax.

The menthol ones help your chest and throat feel better.
It's how you wake up in the morning (and stop coughing).
You need something to do.
It's a hand to mouth thing, kind of like a snack.
You like the ritual of it all.
You smoked one once and it was all down hill from there.
You're going to quit soon.
It's legal.
You actually like it.
It looks cool.
It reduces stress.
It gives you a little pep to be able to deal with things.

You like sharing them.
It's just the perfect thing after a meal.

It's just a "social" thing.
You only smoke at bars.
You only "borrow" and "bum" cigs so it doesn't cost you anything.
You just don't feel like quitting.
You really don't smoke "that much."

You can't quit.
You're gonna quit after New Year's.
You tried the medication and it didn't work, you just got horrible nightmares.
You want to quit to help out the people around you, especially the kids.
You simply can't deal with the stress of life without cigarettes.
You quit and you're celebrating with this last one. (this one's a joke).
You have no idea why.

Wait, I know what it is... You never knew how to quit!



14AndOut - the Stop Smoking King saves thousands from the habit!


The pills, the patch, nicotine gum, hypnotherapy, and electronic cigarettes all have popular names, but most will fail the smoker who doesn't understand the one aspect they all have in common, which reveals exactly what they are all lacking. Research reveals there are multiple reasons why people smoke, but even more reasons why they can't quit, and those reasons extend far beyond the nicotine addiction.

Exploring and trying out options for quitting smoking can be overwhelming and turn out to be very expensive and frustrating. The greatest myth about smoking is that if you break the nicotine addiction, you can quit. But the nicotine addiction is broken in 3 to 4 days, so why is it that 95% of smokers who quit "cold turkey" return to smoking within 6 months? On top of it all, none of the programs mentioned above properly address the nicotine addiction in the first place, so the "weaning process" is severely flawed from the start, setting up the smoker for failure.


Here it is, my friend! Learn in 60 Minutes!



Before tobacco was polluted with somewhere between 1,000 and 4,000 chemicals, anyone could quit the habit, even cold turkey without help, but because today's premium brands have juiced up the nicotine so high, it seems to take a small miracle to cure someone of smoking. (

In fact, the majority of smokers light up just to feel normal, and catch a little bit of stimulation or relaxation; however, even after quitting a smoker's organs and central nervous system remain poisoned from the chemicals for up to 12 months. This sickened state is what drives smokers back looking for relief, not the "nicotine addiction." (

The history of commercial tobacco production in the
United States dates back to the 17th century when the first commercial crop was planted. But why do the chemicals in cigarettes have so much more to do with the smoking addiction than nicotine?

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Just about anyone who has had "too much to drink" knows about the alcohol hangover, where you have an excruciating headache and your body does NOT want you to do anything that requires energy. The first thing you do when you wake up with a hangover is reach for some water and pain reliever. Millions of smokers worldwide have "found themselves" in a similar, vicious cycle where they pollute their body with 4,000 chemicals, and then wait about 30 to 45 minutes for the hangover to kick in, at which time they go outside and take a "nicotine" aspirin, which means lighting up some commercial-rolled GMO tobacco chock full of ammonia, bleach, pesticide, insecticide, herbicide and carpet glue ("firesafe"), and inhale, hold, then exhale about a dozen times.

Since the cigarette manufacturing "chem-labs" began using ammonia, the nicotine hits the brain and heart within 3 seconds, and the smoker's dopamine levels go up rapidly, providing feelings of elation, relaxation, or pep, depending on the length of the drag (inhale). This immediate relief from the CNS hangover (central nervous system hangover) is almost a must for the pack-a-day smoker to function on a reasonable level. Otherwise, the effect commercial cigarettes have on the body can devastate the average smoker, robbing him or her of natural will, positive emotions, and overall health.

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Most people who smoke at least a pack of cigarettes per day have tried to quit at some point in their smoking "career," but unfortunately returned to smoking, mainly because quitting involves combining several strategies and behavioral modifications, it's not just about the nicotine. In fact, smokers create several habits, rituals, and behaviors that they take for granted and fail to replace when trying to quit. That is why quitting cold turkey without help sends 95% of ex-smokers back to cigarettes within 6 months.

Most quitting methods, like the pills, the patch, and nicotine gum address only nicotine, but behavior modification is the only way to ensure permanent cessation.

(1) Breathing pattern: Smokers take between 9 and 14 drags off one cigarette. If you smoke a pack a day (about 20 cigarettes), that means you are inhaling, holding, and exhaling over 200 times a day in a particular way (two packs a day = 400). Although the smoke contains over 700 toxins, the breathing pattern is relaxing and meditative. When smokers quit, they fail to replace this ritual, which leads to stress and builds anxiety, especially when they feel the urge to smoke. Try pretending you have a cigarette and breathe the same way as often as you smoke. This also aids in digestion.

(2) Change of environment: At least 90% of smokers change their environment every time they have a cigarette. That means leaving an office, restaurant, factory, home or party to step outside. This change of scenery is an escape from the hustle and bustle, or the stress of work. Add to the fresh air a glance at the sun or stars, and you've built in some stress relief. Take "fake smoke breaks" after quitting.

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Mucuna, also known as Velvet Bean, is capturing the interest of thousands of smokers who have the desire and the will to quit cigarettes, but can't handle the first couple of weeks of rollercoaster-like mood swings and basic withdrawal symptoms. The L-Dopa content of the unprocessed Mucuna bean powder is so powerful that doctors are also using it help Parkinson's patients restore mental clarity, and as a mood elevator. ( A new study reveals Mucuna just might be that "missing rung" in the ladder that leads to great health for thousands more soon-to-be ex-smokers.

The Mucuna extract contains a significant amount of naturally occurring L-dopa, an amino acid which converts into dopamine. Most commonly sold in powder form, this "herbal" remedy can be found all over the internet, and the 60 percent concentration can be found in vegetarian capsules that are high quality. (

This wondrous Ayervetic Indian herb is known by many names, including sea beans, buffalo beans, Dopabean, Pruriens, Cowitch, Kapikachu and Atmagupta. The main medicinal benefits come from the seeds, but the pod and the roots can also be used. The velvety beans are actually drift seeds, meaning they can float away on ocean currents and re-plant themselves all over the world.

Research shows L-Dopa provides a wide variety of health benefits. All non-smokers should peruse these benefits as well:

• Regeneration of organs (heart, kidneys, liver, lungs)
• Dramatically strengthen immune system
• Improved sleep
• Reduced body fat and cellulite
• Improved skin appearance
• Increased mood and sense of well being
• Increased bone density (very necessary after toxin overload from cigarettes)

The scam gets defeated


Did you make any resolutions last year that fell by the wayside? What resolutions will you make and keep this year? What about quitting cigarettes for real and never going back? You could change your life and health in one fell swoop! How will you do it? You need a comprehensive, proven plan that has a high success rate. You got it. The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, recommends you quit using the natural method. Forget about the dangerous medications, the patch, the gum, and e-cigarettes, which just keep you addicted to nicotine. Try the 14 day method with the best results of any program on the market today. (

Escape the "habit" and experience your world without cigarettes. Natural News can be the inside track for you to find perfect health. This is it!

Stop smoking in 14 days or fewer with 14AndOut. It has a 90 percent success rate for curing smoker's of the addiction. Whether you've been smoking a pack or two a day, and whether you've been smoking for five years or 25, and whether you are male or female, young or mature, you can do this plan. You can break free.

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Ask nearly any smoker or ex-smoker why cigarettes are so addicting and they'll probably say, "It's the nicotine." But delve further into the hook, and what is revealed is that most smokers breathe quite differently while smoking than they do when they're not, aiding in relaxation by simply engaging in the same inhale - hold - exhale rhythm, sometimes 500 times a day. This pattern for many can be considered meditation, used for reflection or forward-thinking time, and when most people attempt to quit smoking cold turkey, they don't even think about what they're "missing." The lack of that breathing pattern alone sends them right back to the well, as they light up again the first time something stressful comes their way (

If you smoke a pack a day (about 20 cigarettes) and say you take 10 - 12 drags/puffs from each cigarette, that's about 250 times you breathe in and out in a specific way. If you smoke 2 packs a day, that's about 500 times. Research surveys taken from hundreds of smokers who have kicked the habit show that at least 50% realize, after going through the motions of breathing as if they were having a cigarette, that THIS is the major part of the addiction (

95% of smokers need help quitting

One ex-smoker teaches a program called 14AndOut that brings to light this simple but critical breathing ritual. At the same time, this program points out how other stop smoking aids, like the nicotine patch, prescription medications, and nicotine gum fail to address the behavior modification necessary for up to 95% of smokers to be able to quit and not go back within 6 months. The organic 14AndOut program weans the smoker off cigarettes in 14 days or less without the use of chemicals, by combining knowledge and behavior modification with nutrition

Learn more:


Get ready for a phenomenal 2014 and you as a non-smoker:

14AndOut main web page:

14AndOut supporting blog sites:

Freedom 4U Starts Now! 

The Stop Smoking King!

Quit Smoking in 14 Days!


Link to my “14AndOut” stop smoking program sales page: (over 50,000 views)


Link to my “14AndOut” main multi-media web page which I created: (over 20,000 views)                                             


My appearance on the local television (NBC) talk show (Jan; 2012);

The Hampton Roads Show:


Link to my Skype video discussing 14AndOut with Mike Adams of Natural News:


YouTube videos promoting 14AndOut:

A clip from the local class I teach:

Mike Adams preview/trailer of 14AndOut program: (over 2000 views)


Key words researched for this blog report:


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Here it is, my friend! Learn in 60 Minutes!




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