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HEALTH NEWS SHOCKER: Vaccinated children largely responsible for triggering and spreading disease

A recent study shows kids who get vaccinated aren’t just carriers, they carry it more easily and more often than unvaccinated kids, so now WHO wants the whooping cough vaccine? Could it be that the vaccine ITSELF weakens immunity? Oh yes, anytime you inject bacteria, MSG, aluminum and mercury into the veins, you are bypassing digestive and lung filtering systems, so the body has no defense against pathogens, toxic emulsifiers and dangerous adjuvants that Western Medicine claims are necessary in vaccines to carry and deliver the “goods” – but in essence all vaccines do are carry central nervous system destructors past the blood/brain barrier and shock the immune system into fight or flight, or better yet, flight and panic.


Do you ever get the flu from a flu shot? Maybe you just carry the flu for others around you to pick up? A recent study shows whooping cough is on the RISE. First thoughts? Run out and get vaccinated right? That’s what “doctor” tv shows would convince you to do, but did you know Dr. Oz touts vaccines on his shows, but has said he does NOT get his own kids vaccinated? Oh, sorry, you didn’t know. I hate bursting bubbles.


Here’s some conversation to review from “Age of Autism” website:

BEHAR: Well first of all, someone want to know there`s a rumor that your kids did not get flu shots or swine flu shots is that right?

OZ: That`s true, they did not.

BEHAR: Do you not believe in them for the kids or what?

OZ: No, I would have vaccinated my kids but you know I - I`m in a happy marriage and my wife who makes most of the important decisions as most couples have in their lives.


OZ: Who absolutely refuses. And listen the kids are pretty healthy. We actually think two of them caught swine flu very early on anyway. So there`s no point vaccinating them again. And you know -

BEHAR: What do you, on that same subject, what do you think about this controversy that`s going around about vaccinations and autism and other little things that happens to kids?

OZ: I think kids like the canary and the coal mine. That they are more susceptible to some of the toxins maybe our generation was able to overcome. That`s why we have a lot more allergies now. Perhaps one of the reason why we have more autism. But I don`t think it`s just the vaccine.


OZ: Although, I don`t want to ignore the potential role they have. So what we do with our kids is we spread the vaccine out.


The tables have turned, and based on the latest available science, it is now abundantly clear that parents who vaccinate are the ones putting everyone else's children at risk.

Will the pro-vaccine lobby, which is all too quick to demand that non-vaccinating parents be held liable for putting others at risk, now be held to the same standard?

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