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The Food REVOLT has begun! -- Health Ranger's FOOD FORENSICS book already Bestseller in Science

The Health Ranger published this press release this morning:

"There's no other way to say this: The skyrocketing success of this book that you've made possible is nothing less than a massive revolt against Big Food.

Together, we have just fired a massive flare over the territory of food secrecy and agricultural poisons, bringing daylight to food realms that have been shrouded in darkness and deception. Now, with the help of my lab ( and your continued support, we are tearing back the veil of lies to reveal the authoritative scientific truth about what's really in our food.

YOU are making this happen... I'm just the guy carrying out the science. But none of this would be possible without your support.

Join the revolt against Big Food by supporting my book. Preorder Food Forensics right now from or Barnes & Noble.

The more copies we all buy together, the higher this book climbs on all the bestseller lists. It sends a powerful message to the food and supplement companies: We don't want your damn poisons! We demand clean food, honest food, honest labeling and ethical sourcing of ingredients.

Thank you for helping make this a stellar #1 book on The book ships July 26th. Buy as many copies as you wish to help support my efforts, and give them out to family and friends. It's the best $14 you'll ever spend on revealing the stunning truth about what's really in your food..."

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