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Before 1940, more than 85% of the U.S. population used drugless healers

The news blackout and disinformation campaign of natural cures has been so effective since WWII that most people do not ever learn of the "disappeared" therapies until the fateful moment when they or their loved ones are diagnosed with some dreadful disease. Then and only then will they begin "fighting for their lives" and delve into the plethora of alternative medicine, and throw to the wayside all of the supposedly "scientifically supported" mainstream medicine they fear so much.

It wasn't always this way. Just 100 years ago, what we call "alternative" medicine was main stream, consisting of herbs, tinctures, roots and medicinal mushrooms which indigenous societies have proven effective for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Doctors making house calls and traveling snake oil salesmen were not called "quacks" because they were not quacks at all. Conversely, they were nipping disease and disorder (what little existed) in the bud, using Nature's powerful extracts and herbal tinctures based on a long history of proven methods; from China to Brazil, from India to Australia, and right back here to the local roots of the Native Americans.

Extracts and tinctures - Nature's drugless antibiotics and immune system building blocks

Oil of oregano: Oil from the common herb oregano is an effective treatment against dangerous, drug-resistant bacteria. Carvacrol, one of oregano's components, reduces infection as effectively as traditional antibiotics.

Holy or "blessed" thistle (carbenia benedicta): Recorded as early as the 16th century for treating smallpox, fever, anorexia, dyspepsia, indigestion and constipation. Blessed thistle tea has been drunk for digestive problems, liver and gall bladder problems, headache prevention, respiratory ailments, memory improvement and external problems such as sores, boils and itchy skin. The plant gained the title "blessed" for its use in treating plague. Blessed thistle (and its cousin milk thistle) promotes healthy metabolic activities in liver cells and helps with toxin elimination.

Glutathione: The immune system is constantly on the prowl for pathogens and foreign antigens - the agents of cellular damage, toxicity and disease. These antigens include viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi and pre-cancerous cells. To neutralize these pathogens, the body needs a ready supply of glutathione. Glutathione was first discovered in 1888, well over 100 hundred years ago, by J. de-Rey-Pailhaide, who viewed it under a microscope while studying the human eyeball. There are currently over 85,000 professional research articles regarding its positive influence on cellular health.

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