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Published author invents KRAVE KICKER – World’s first supplement beverage that kicks cravings for nicotine and sugar, naturally

More than 35 million smokers and 15 million vape enthusiasts in America may just have a way to kick those cravings, especially when they can’t get to their nicotine. From the health writer who authored “Don’t Eat Cancer” and “Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days,” comes a mind-blowing beverage invention that could be a major stepping stone for people trying to cut back on cigarettes, switch to vaping, or find something healthy to quell those compelling cravings.

A new, proprietary blend of supplements that comes in one of those liquid “shots” (2.5 fluid ounces) contains a superfood you may not have heard about yet, called Mucuna Pruriens (also known as Cowitch or L-Dopa). The “shot” is also loaded with top quality, bioavailable vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin), vitamin C (as L-Ascorbic acid), and about half-a-cup-of-coffee-worth of natural caffeine from guarana. Smokers and people who vape can substitute with a healthy Krave Kicker and raise their dopamine levels safely, thus kicking the cravings of artificial stimulants and drugs that have nasty side effects and health repercussions.

Mucuna Prurians, a key ingredient in Krave Kicker, comes from a tropical bean that’s ground up and put in supplements. Krave Kicker is the only food or supplement beverage blend marketed for smokers and the vape community to help them when they can’t smoke or vape, like when they’re at work, traveling, or attending indoor events. The inventor has been recommending these supplements in his books for years.

Supplementing to control cravings more effective than ‘weaning’ with a patch or gum

The nicotine patch, for starters, is a scam that was invented by Big Tobacco to pretend to wean smokers off nicotine, but patches contain, on average, 7 to 21 milligrams of nicotine slowly released over time; whereas, a cigarette’s nicotine is treated with ammonia, potentially jacking up the fix to over 100 mg of vapor-ready nicotine.

Then you have the nicotine gum, and that’s much weaker than the patch, delivering only about 2 to 4 mg of “nic fix.” That’s about as useless for quitting as those scary CDC commercials. We won’t get into the prescription drug side effects, because most smokers already know those all too well. Let’s talk about science now and a natural remedy that was tested in clinical research studies and found to have positive results.

Dopamine is the “feel good” hormone our body creates naturally for reward and motivation. In a clinical study at Baylor Medical College in Texas, researchers discovered low dopamine levels are the main reason smokers relapse when trying to quit. That’s because dopamine is released when smoking due to the drug nicotine. Over time, the addiction hijacks the reward and motivation systems of the user. The authors of the study published their findings in a medical journal where they said the best treatment strategy is to elevate dopamine levels when the smoker can’t smoke. But how do you raise your dopamine levels safely and naturally?

Clinical research behind key supplements in Krave Kicker

Also, according to scientific research published by the National Institutes of Health, there’s a powerful link between sugar consumption and our body’s production of dopamine. People who over-indulge in sugar daily get a dopamine boost just before they eat it, and during. This is mental and physical. Over time, they must have sugar to feel that same boost, or now instead, they could try the natural dopamine booster Krave Kicker.

Plus, in a peer-reviewed, double-blind clinical and pharmacological study, published in the British Medical Journal, scientists and doctors discovered mucuna helps Parkinson’s patients catapult their dopamine production, since they have historically low dopamine levels, just like smokers. Mucuna also helped Parkinson’s patients recover memory and focus, as they experienced mood elevation.

People who try to quit smoking, or even when they can’t get to their nicotine fix, get cranky, nervous, anxious, depressed and/or stressed. That’s because dopamine is a brain chemical messenger that tells you to seek something enjoyable, so it’s the key to reward and motivation. For example, we release it when we take nicotine, have sex, or even just eat food we enjoy (think birthday cake).

Krave Kicker is a supplement beverage, so you feel BETTER than you do on nicotine or sugar-loaded junk science

Natural remedies are amazing because you feel great, without those crazy side effects, crashes, or long-term health consequences. So don’t go falling for the hook, line and sinker that mainstream media slings around, trying to discredit various forms of holistic and indigenous medicine. Natural products like Krave Kicker, the world’s first and only 2.5 oz. beverage that kicks cravings for nicotine and sugar, can help you attain better health, for less money and without those chemical-laden “side effects” you probably know all too well.

Mark Twain once joked that, “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” If you need a break from nicotine fits or your just a sugar addict, check out the new beverage invention Krave Kicker. Then, tune your internet dial to for natural remedies that prevent and would end almost all preventable diseases, disorders and bad habits in America.

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