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If Hitler had GMO technology, he would have fed GM corn to the Jews

Forget about the gas chambers, if Hitler had GMO vegetables 75 years ago, he would have disguised it as a "government assistance" program, offering free food to all those of Jewish ancestry, along with free vaccines, too. Hitler could have done all his genocide undercover, and maybe not gone down in history as an EVIL MONSTER. He could have claimed he was trying to help the Jews with free food and medicine, like the U.S. does for “war torn countries,” including the ones the U.S. tears apart with preemptive war. What’s one of the first things the U.S. does after it bombs a country? Build that McDonald’s and that Burger King. Build that pharmacy. Install those GMO outlets. You can learn more about the real world you’re living in, so you yourself can avoid disease and early death.

Hitler used Zyklon to exterminate hundreds of thousands of Jews because it doesn’t smell like the Mustard Gas does. He tried to commit his genocide undercover, but the Jews figured it out before he got all 12 million, and only 6 million died. How many Americans are dying right now from pesticide in vegetables? From MSG and Aspartame, two biologically altered food additives that are GMO? Since cancer kills about 750,000 a year, it only takes 10 years to have that SILENT HOLOCAUST. Yes, that’s like 10 superbowl stadiums full of people every year, dying unnecessarily from consuming chemicals put in the food supply. Compare that to the 3,000 that died in 9/11 and you see why Big Pharma and the BioTech Agriculture Industry is NECK DEEP IN GENOCIDE.

It’s time to stand up for your rights and your personal freedom. It’s time to protect your body from a corrupt government, from a corrupt food system, from a corrupt medical system, and from MIS-EDUCATION. Don’t look in the ALL THE WRONG PLACES for your health updates. Follow the Health Ranger Mike Adams. Follow the truth. Log onto Natural News. It’s free. It’s smart. It’s the inside track. It’s what you need to survive and thrive. It’s what you need to avoid the FOOD AND DRUG HOLOCAUST OF THE 21ST CENTURY.
Today, people voluntarily kill themselves, by not educating themselves about the FOOD WAR that is taking place; the war of organic food versus food toxins, the war of spring water versus diet drinks, the war of natural remedies versus pharmaceuticals, the war of Naturopathic medicine versus Allopathic Medicine. After all, “Rounding people up at gunpoint is a messy business. It's so much easier when you can just get people to take care of the act of killing themselves.”


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