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The nexus between the AMA and pharmaceuticals is keeping real medicine away

The American Medical Association or AMA, as it is more commonly known,  has always been a bastion of those whose only aim in life is to keep people submerged in an endless misery of diseases. Natural News has unveiled the true history of the AMA in its article. Since its inception in 1847, the AMA has been dedicated to destroying conventional methods of treatment that were practiced by Red Indian doctors, herbalists, and homeopaths. In order to engage in a medical practice, everyone had to obtain special approval from the AMA. Anyone found practicing medicine without approval was prosecuted and punished.


Natural News also provides a deep look inside the big pharmaceutical companies and biotech giants and reveals how they continue to poison general people in spite of the so called surveillance of the Food and Drug Administration. A recent book titled 25 Amazing Facts About The Hidden History of Medicine explores the reason behind the influence of the pharmaceutical corporations and biotech giants over the government. Most of the former managers of the pharmaceutical and biotech industries are now sitting at the helm of public administration thus maneuvering the government policy in favor of multinational corporations and against public interest.



Though it is true that the AMA and pharmaceutical companies are trying their best to keep people away from real medicines in order to maintain their own profit level, Natural News has managed to bring five herbal tinctures into the limelight. These herbal medicines can boost the immunity power in human beings thus preventing the onset of a majority of diseases. The five tinctures include astragalus, St. John’s wort, sage, garlic and hyssop. These five tinctures can be used to treat a number of illnesses including mild depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, sore throats, upper respiratory illness and infections.


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