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Natural News Exclusive: Mass media in U.S. regulated now, just like during Vietnam

Mass media in U.S. regulated now, just like during Vietnam: You get the information they want you to get, and THAT IS ALL.


Did you ever see the movie “Good morning Vietnam” with Robin Williams and Forrest Whitaker? If you missed it, there was a scene where Robin Williams could not report the truth about what was going on in the war, and a politician comes into his radio station and takes reports out of the room that are coming in over a wire.



The U.S. Government basically filtered info out so the media couldn’t let the public know the war was a fraud and we were losing badly, nor just HOW badly. It was a control trip, and we’re still on one today, but even worse. News that happens right here at home, in schools, in movie theatres – the mass murders and the massacres are not reported properly. There is information withheld to serve the purposes of big brother control, for hype, for stripping rights of citizens, and for the overall dumbing down of the public.


Control of information means more money for the Feds and the tyranny of capitalism gone awry. Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, and Big War all work in tandem, to scare people into living lifestyles which support sickness, paranoia and subservient obedience.


The same thing happened after Pearl Harbor was attacked. Nobody knew the truth about the “fair warning” Roosevelt got:



 “President Roosevelt (FDR) provoked the attack, knew about it in advance and covered up his failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed the attack to sucker Hitler to declare war, since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It was his backdoor to war.”



Now there’s a new kind of information being withheld to prepare for a war – a war on the American publics Bill of Rights and the constitution: A war on staged massacres and not reporting when people use their rights to protect themselves!


Natural News Inside Story:


“Just two days after the horrible massacre of 20 Kindergarten children and six adults by an armed psychotic, another mass murder did not take place at a movie theater in San Antonio.

For those of you who don't live in that south Texas city, did you read about this non-massacre in your local paper? Did you see it online? Hear about it on the radio or television?”

Learn more: 


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