Death by meat food?
Which meat toxins are on your PIZZA? In your SUB SANDWICH ? In your BURGERS AND HOT DOGS?
Exposed - The dirty
little secret of the meat industry
If you haven't put this information through your brain labyrinth yet, it's time now:
Do you like Mad Cow disease? Did you forget about it?
What’s in your MEAT?
Natural News wonders if you know what toxins are in your:
Pepperoni Pizza? Burgers on the Grill? Hot foot long sub
from sub shop? Chili dogs? Corn dogs? Pigs in a blanket? Ham sandwich? Smoked
turkey? God forsaken bologna?
What meat toxins are
mutating your cells?
What meat toxins are
the ultimate mutagens?
Which meat toxins are
the master carcinogens?
Is your blood flooded with meat cancer cells?
Nitrates and nitrites:
Mold Inhibitors
GMO Virus and superbugs:
It’s the American Meat
Gotta grill out, man! Gotta have those burgers and
dogs, right? Wrong.
Gotta have that pepperoni and sausage pizza or it’s
just not the same, right? Wrong!
Gotta have that expensive
steak or filet mignon, or you’re just missing out, right? Wrong!
Gotta have that deli meat
on that sub or it’s just not filling right? Wrong. “Foods that Kill” a free youtube video!
spare tire around your waist can’t be animal fat you’re carrying around, can
it? Sorry, it is. That meat lovers special stays in your blood, in your fat
cells, the toxins are stored, and when you sweat, when you stress out, they are
released into your system and fuel depression, cancer, and heart disease:
Natural News has more on this:
“Processed meats contain numerous
ingredients, and not all are meat. Additives prolong shelf life, enhance
flavors, stabilize colors, and inhibit bacterial growth. Processed meats
include sliced deli meats, sausage, jerky, pepperoni, bacon, lunch meats, hot
dogs, and meats used on pizzas, in canned foods, and in packaged products:”
Learn more:
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Save yourself from GMO. Don’t go near it ever again: