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NATURAL NEWS enthusiasts increase pressure on FDA to label genetically engineered foods!

On Friday, an amendment offered by Senator Mark Begich (D-AK) to require labeling of genetically engineered fish was passed by a voice vote in the Senate. In his speech, Seantor Begich noted that over 60 countries currently require labeling of GE foods, including Russia, China and the European Union. Additionally, he pointed out that over 2,000 grocery stores across the U.S., including Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, have commited to not sell genetically engineered seafood.

While the Senate's budget plan is non-binding, the passage of the Begich amendment will further increase the pressure on the FDA to label genetically engineered foods.

An overwhelming majority of Americans believe the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a legal responsibility to require proper labeling of foods containing genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). But to this day, the FDA refuses to comply with the demands of the American people, who it is supposed to represent, or with the law, which is why your help is needed to force this rogue agency to finally step up and do the right thing.

Based on a number of different polls conducted, anywhere between 90 and 95 percent of people living in the U.S. want GMOs to be labeled. According to the new GMO labeling campaign Just Label It!, 92 percent of Americans want to know whether or not the foods they buy contain GMOs, especially when these foods are being fed to young children.

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