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GMO vs Mother Nature; The war is on! Followers of freedom pay attention now

The U.S. government continues raids on followers of freedom

The U.S. government has already earned some notoriety due to its endeavor to thwart all freedom and liberty on American soil. Vehement castigations have not been able to put it away from committing the atrocities. Natural News reports that since 1985 the Food and Drug Administration has been conducting raids on natural farmers and raw milk producers. With the passage of time and with the hold of the big corporations on the government becoming stronger, the raids have increased in numbers. A chronology of the major raids in the last couple of decades has been published by Mike Adams at .


The raid culture is not kept confined within suppressing natural farms and raw milk producers only, but it has been extended into the lives of city dwellers as well who want to grow their own food. It is reported that very recently heavily armed government agents raided the house of Robert and Adlynn Harte in Leawood, Kansas on suspicion that the couple was using hydroponic garden equipments to cultivate marijuana in their home. The truth is Robert built two hydroponic systems himself in order to grow vegetables and fruits in his basement and he had never used the equipment to grow things like marijuana, but still the government raided their house on mere suspicion, thus underscoring the issue of breach of public freedom. Know more at .


Natural News reports that the U.S. government is not going to stop at anything and is going to continue with its unconstitutional plans. There is a fear that once the gun control law is in place, the government would try to implement more and more atrocious laws against free speech, websites, art and books. The U.S. government has already nullified the Bill of Rights in various ways and now it looks forwards to wiping it out completely from American life. More on this is at . 



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