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Natural News exclusive: GMO tobacco: Killing beetles, weeds, worms and humans for profit

The entire genetically modified (GM) tobacco industry, otherwise known as "Big Tobacco," wants the BUD WORMS AND HORN WORMS dead. It's as simple as that! Their ultimate goal is making more money using biotech "engineering," all at the cost of human health. You see, by digesting bacteria and "biochems," which destroy the digestive tracts and the reproductive abilities of insects, worms, beetles and the like, humans are destroying their same genes. In America, it's legal to "slow kill" people, by manufacturing and selling carcinogens, especially when those consumers "know" there is a risk. But who REALLY knows the risk, because if you don't understand GMO, you have no clue the extent and depth of that risk, hence the junk science of bad food and tobacco addictions. Long term problems have now become SHORT TERM health destruction problems. Think about genetically modified corn, soy, cottonseed, beets and canola as you read the following about tobacco pests and GM pest fighting chemicals:

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