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City Council of Berkeley California votes to keep deadly mercury in children’s teeth, despite years of reports

Sometimes I think we’re living with Neanderthals who somehow hold positions of high power and “representation.” Is this the dark ages? Do we still believe in bloodletting, you know, when someone’s running a high fever and you let a bunch of that “evil” blood out and the fever goes away (when you die)? Why don’t they just use plutonium fillings for cavities and get the whole show over with. Dentists and their “representatives” have either lost their minds or they want everyone else to lose their own. Maybe they’re mad scientists, like on the cartoons, who like making money off the other Neanderthals that are roaming the planet eating corn sugar and phosphoric acid and wondering who can fix the holes full of rotting bacteria in their teeth. Welcome to Berkeley California where the Neanderthal mad scientists run the ADA who probably gets a cut of each and every mercury filling sale to the masses. Welcome to the CITY council, who works for the man, who demands that they are called AMALGUM fillings, because why would you call it something people have heard is horrific for your health? Welcome to the history of hidden medicine, where EVERY ONE knows about the chronic and cataclysmic damage this toxin does, and not just all at once, but over and over and over til you literally lose your mind and die. Call it amalgam, and make any other choice far more expensive. That ensures the doctors more profits and their cohorts with the suits on making decisions at city hall meetings and announcing them as if everyone voted for them. Hey Neanderthals, if you can still think at all, turn off your TV and tune in to Natural News, your freedom from mercury fillings and the mercury slinging liars is just around the corner!


Stop going to “drug and toxin dealers” for chemical medicine that has been researched and researched and shown to due serious damage to your health. Read what the Health Ranger Mike Adams has to share on this now:


It turns out that "amalgam fillings" are intentionally and deliberately misnamed for the express purpose of misleading consumers. Those fillings are actually more than 50 percent mercury, and once installed in mouths, they off-gas mercury vapor which is then inhaled by the patient, entering their bloodstream and causing permanent cellular damage to heart, kidneys, liver and brain.”

Learn more:


Welcome to 2013, where “Smoking teeth = Poison Gas”


Dental Implant Warnings: Informative YouTube Video on this: 


Avoid mercury fillings like the plague! The real tricksters call it SILVER. It’s mercury.  


Here is the Health Ranger sharing information on how to get mercury fillings removed without exposing yourself to toxic mercury vapor. This is a must read:


The Editor of Natural News covers this thoroughly: “In this article, I'm going to describe how to get mercury removal done right. If you're a dentist reading this, make a note: this is the new standard of mercury removal. And if you're not offering this service to your clients, you should consider adopting it, because people will be increasingly demanding this kind of service down the road.”

Learn more:

Check into chlorella and spirulina on line at Natural News store:





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