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Keep your New Year’s resolution – Stop Smoking!



Did you do it? Did you say you would stop smoking for 2014? Have you yet? Are you trying? Do you know how? If you have the will power, 14AndOut, the all natural method, is THE WAY – the way to quit smoking in 14 days or less, without the patch, without medication, without hypnosis, and you can learn from the best!


Chemical knowledge: When you learn what chemicals are in commercial cigarettes that are bringing you down, making you feel nervous, anxious, and in need of nicotine “relief” you will finally understand what’s driving this vicious cycle that has you smoking a pack a day or more. This is the first step in quitting for good. I have inside knowledge of this as I have dissected cigarettes and revealed to the world what’s causing the “cigarette hangover.” You can escape.


Behavior Modification: Many of the behaviors and rituals you engage when smoking are actually good for you, and I bet you didn’t know it! When you inhale, hold and exhale you are engaging in a breathing pattern that helps you relax. You could continue this WITHOUT cigarettes, every hour, every time you would have had a smoke. You can also continue your hand-to-mouth habit, but now with organic chocolate, raw nuts, organic fruit, and vegetable nibbles like carrots, celery or energy bars.


Nutrition Implementation: I have consulted the best nutrition experts in the world and found out exactly what nutrients are depleted in your body due to cigarettes and the 4,000 chemicals you’ve been inhaling for years. I know what you need to be eating, especially during the first 14 days of quitting, and then for the remaining 6 months, when many people get stressed out and return to smoking. I can save you from the nightmare and keep you from ever craving another smoke. Organic foods, herbal tinctures, and mucuna – a natural bean that raises your dopamine levels safely, could be the answer you’ve been looking for – and your yellow brick road to the castle of good health.


Balance, Focus and a Good Mood!  Guess what? You don’t have to be cranky and depressed when you quit smoking! You can find balance, stay focused, stay positive, and love your new healthy life when you engage this program called 14AndOut. I invented this program and I am an ex-smoker, so I know what you’re going through. I can help you escape the nightmare in less than 14 days, and without having withdrawal, nightmares, sleeplessness, anxiety and all the rest of the frustration that comes with quitting. This is the answer to your problem. You have the answer in your hands right now. Watch the preview by the Health Ranger Mike Adams and then see if this is right for you. Keep your promise to yourself!


Happy New Year and Welcome to 14&Out - the all natural method to stop smoking in 14 days! The “Stop Smoking King” is waiting for you to learn how to quit smoking. Good luck.


Click here to watch the trailer/preview:


Here’s the main website if you want more information and to read testimonials from people who smoked a pack or two a day for decades and quit!



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