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Stop Smoking: 10 Steps to Freedom - A Natural News Exclusive

If the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) really cared about helping people, they would tell you how to stop smoking, because certainly there are about 40 million people who would love to know. Quitting smoking is physiological and psychological, so scary advertisements and medications that make you crazy aren't going to cut it. Patches that release more addictive drugs only work for about 4% of those who try them. The scary ads of people with holes in their throats have about the same results, yet even half of those "success stories" return to smoking within six months, so slice that statistic in half. Hypnosis is mainly just a "psych-out" method to get you to convince yourself that you don't need to puff, but most people want and need more help than that. Nicotine is one of the most powerful addictions known to mankind, but it's actually broken in three to four days; the rest is about behavior modification and nutrition.

Before we delve into the 10 steps, realize this: There are only two types of people in this world, really - the kind who empower you or the kind who try to control you. Are you being controlled? Take the power back. Follow these 10 steps and stop smoking for good. Then you will look back at this day and remember "that was the day you turned the tables."

Read these 10 steps with an open mind and a readiness for personal empowerment. Today is the first day of the rest of your life as a non-smoker.

Top 10 Steps for Quitting Cigarettes Naturally

1. Buy organic tobacco and roll your own. This is how you will wean yourself off the juiced-up nicotine found in commercial cigarettes. Most tobacco and smoke shops carry organic tobacco - just ask or check it out online! Natural tobacco is an herb. (

2. Know exactly what the body needs daily to kill the cravings of nicotine. There are certain foods, beverages and herbs that will replenish your body's nutrient base that the 4,000 chemicals you've been smoking every day have depleted or destroyed. You need good gut bacteria/flora and you need organic fuel to keep from feeling stressed. (

3. Get the straight talk on central nervous system deficiencies and how to feel "normal" and "relaxed or excited" without nicotine. (

4. Find out how and why the nicotine potency you're getting is 35 times stronger than you think. (

5. Understand the term "cigarette hangover" and learn why it's the chemicals in cigarettes more than the nicotine that's fueling the habit from which you will begin escaping today. (

6. Get knowledge of proper nutrients, antioxidants, herbs and supplements recommended by highly regarded professionals who understand the process of quitting smoking.

7. Understand how breathing patterns changed when you became a smoker, and how you can get back to having healthy lungs and a healthy heart. (

8. Cancer thrives in an acidic body where the cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrients. Learn how to return your system to a safe alkalinity and keep it that way daily, so you and your cells can "breathe" and have a great life without cigarettes. (

9. Learn about natural cures for both diet soda addiction and cigarette addiction. They are called superfoods, and this has been studied in great depth and detail. (

10. Avoid GMOs like the plague. Find out how genetically modified tobacco, food, drinks and even (GMO) medicine can damage your digestion, your breathing, your central nervous system and your critical thinking. Millions of people who succeed at quitting addictions return to them only because they pollute their bodies with other toxins and relapse. Genetically modified organisms can change your DNA during THIS lifetime. Avoid GMOs at all costs and keep your machine (your body) firing on all cylinders at all times and you can find your ideal health, starting right now.

Sources for this article include:

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