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Organic Tobacco - the Ultimate Secret to Quitting Smoking Naturally!

Cold turkey is the hardest way to quit smoking, especially without any help. Some smokers pull it off, and they never go back to smoking cigarettes ever again. Hurray for them! The rest of the population, well, that's another story. They need weaning and they need it bad. They have no clue that most commercial cigarettes deliver over 100 milligrams of nicotine, just ask them. Coming off 100 mg. of nicotine in a single day and repeating that success for more than six months is reserved for only the strongest willed, meaning only five percent of smokers can actually do it without help. So what programs deliver on more than ten to fifteen percent success at helping people become non-smokers for life? Not many, but there is good news, besides all this "darkness."
Have you ever heard of organic tobacco? Many smokers have, but they may not know how easy it is to quit cigarettes for good after smoking organic tobacco for just two weeks. Once a person's chemical intake is reduced 90 percent or more, there is much less anxiety, nervousness, and the need for ... wait for it .... cigarette hangover relief. Nicotine is nothing more than a drug that acts as aspirin for the central nervous system disparagement caused by the last cigarette! The accumulation of toxins inside the body of the smoker is so high, that when you cut the bottom out using organic tobacco, the weaning process is then effective, and that's when you infuse nutrients, minerals, vitamins and spring water. The urge to smoke, the need, the fix, whatever you want to call it, comes directly from the human desire to have a balanced central nervous system. This is innate. Every person wants to feel balanced. When a smoker cuts out the hourly pesticide, insecticide, ammonia and bleach smoking ritual, he/she eliminates the driving force of misery. Kill the urge and you kill the habit. It's that simple.
Infusing Organic Tobacco the Last 14 Days of YOUR habit
So you go out and you buy some organic tobacco at a smoke shop or tobacco shop near you, or you go on line and order it. It's not very difficult and it's rather inexpensive. Then you get some rolling paper and you roll three cigarettes for each day of the last fourteen days of your smoking "career in self-punishment", as it is ending. This is your allotment, the organic tobacco that contains only about 10 to 12 milligrams of nicotine, and then you won't be going out "cold turkey." Next, go to the health food store, whether Whole Foods or a local shop, and buy some organic fruits and vegetables. Also stock up on spring water, preferably bottles that say BPA free - that's just one more toxin you'll be cutting out of your hourly intake!
Then look up mucuna, maca and the power of dark organic chocolate. You will be very, very happy with your research. Here's a head start:
Mucuna for moods!
Maca for energy!
Organic chocolate ends depression!
Yes, stop smoking, get in shape, love your life and do it for your family! Watch the natural method that is approved and recommended by the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, and wean yourself off commercial cigarettes without a hitch! This is the organic method that recommends organic tobacco for the last 14 days and it's called 14AndOut - Stop Smoking Naturally. (
Stop smoking for good and change your life. It's all about willpower and the right guide. Natural News enthusiasts are sharing the best methods in the world to help each other live long and prosper. Today's a new day - make it your best ever.
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Jennifer Snow said…
Trying to quit smoking may actually be one of the hardest things that an individual will ever attempt to conquer. If quitting "cold turkey" fails, then it may be necessary to try alternative methods and products. I have found quit smoking hypnosis is the best way that I found really working for me. Thanks for your article!!

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