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Top Four Reasons to Stop Smoking Naturally - A Natural News Inside Look!

#1. Cessation Medications Rarely Work - Here's Why:

Drugs like Chantix and Zyban take control of one's serotonin and dopamine, apparently so they can be distributed more evenly to the brain. But there's no "messing" with synapses and electrical impulses in the brain using chemicals that interfere with normal function. What they really do is BLOCK the natural "feel good" drugs that the body makes from organic nutrients, and in turn this is why people suffer so much anxiety, depression and feelings of hopelessness when they take these synthetic "mood" regulators. The drugs block nicotine receptors in the brain, but they also block your mind from working things out and reflecting on them properly. The stress of it all is a thousand times worse on your central nervous system than smoking pesticide hourly. Be careful.

#2. The Nicotine Patch Rarely Works - Here's Why:
Commercial cigarettes have nicotine that's been juiced up with ammonia so the nicotine enters the body as a vapor, reaching the heart and brain in three seconds. That's not a typo. The commercial cigarette is said to deliver over 100 mg of nicotine, though due to the ammonia processing trick, it doesn't register that high when tested. The patch delivers a measly 3 to 4 mg of nicotine slowly throughout the day. This is nothing like smoking. Nicotine gum is pretty much a scam too.

#3. Hypnosis Rarely Works - Here's Why:
You can have the desire, the willpower, the incentive to quit smoking, but if you don't know HOW, then you, like more than 95 percent of attemptees, will return to cancer sticks within six months. That's just a cold hard fact. The number one reason people go back to smoking after a "quit-attempt" is stress, and the number one driver of stress? -- Bad nutrition! You can "psyche yourself" out of doing something, but how long will it last? Quitting smoking is mental and physical -- it's physiological, in fact. Smokers need a nutritional guide to quit and quit for good. That's why the "cold-turkey" quitter who quits with no help is hard to find.

#4. Behavior Modification and Nutrition Really Work!
When you take a drag off a cigarette, you inhale, hold, then exhale. This is a pattern of breathing that you do not engage in when you're not smoking. Try this from now on: Any time you would have had a cigarette, practice that same breathing pattern at least a dozen times. Next, because of the hand-to-mouth ritual, always have a nutritious snack with you that you can nibble on during those "smoking" intervals, like raw organic nuts, dark organic chocolate or chopped organic vegetables. Remember also that the right organic supplements can help balance the central nervous system, build and maintain immunity, and provide energy! Spring water and organic food is the key.

There's a beacon of hope waiting for you. It's called nutrition. Quit smoking and you can be "all that" again! After all, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so how do you see yourself? You can change it all in 60 minutes and never look back! "14AndOut is a breakthrough course that frees smokers from the core habits that trap them in a pattern of smoking. Far more than just a chemical cure, it's a behavioral approach that delivers lasting results for people who want to stop smoking for life!" -- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Editor-in-Chief of Natural News. Check out the trailer to the streaming video here:

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Anonymous said…
This program really works!

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