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People once thought the world was flat, and currently the CDC believes you can't get Ebola from indirect contact


The Natural News Tracker is keeping up with breaking Ebola news on Alternative Media and Natural Health News. If we don't learn from history, like that Columbus didn't discover America and that the Holocaust really DID happen, then we might believe some of the words coming out of the mouths of the directors and officials of the CDC, America's Center for Disease Control. It should be called the center for disease continuance. Here's why:


They've already been proven wrong about the transfer of the Ebola virus between humans, and now they're telling us the world is STILL flat. The only reason to turn on the TV for news right now is to see just HOW bad they are lying so we can better anticipate their motives. Do they want an Ebola outbreak in the US? Are they holding back with a vaccine that they THINK works for them, so they'll be protected? Sounds like conspiracy theory, until you turn off the TV and read reliable online Health News, like Mike Adams, the Editor in Chief of Natural who also happens to operate high tech lab equipment for measuring toxins by the PPB, parts per billion. Now let's talk about what's REALLY going on with Ebola:


The Health Ranger reports on Natural News:


"Never believe something is true," the saying goes, "until the government officially denies it." And today, the CDC is adamantly denying that the Ebola outbreak taking place in America right now is any problem at all."


Your family should be ready for a 42 day quarantine at any time:


"Naturally, 42 days is a bare minimum and you would be far smarter to cover yourself and your family members for a period of 90 days, 180 days or even longer."

Learn more:


Why? Because there are cases of Ebola popping up after the 21 day "safe" period once thought to be the case. Up to 5% of cases don't show symptoms until well into the 5th or 6th week. But that's NOT what the CDC wants to talk about. Why is that?


The CDC is part of the "machine"  - the one that gets tax money from the people who go to work, buy stuff, borrow money, get sick and go to "health care providers" in their networks, which are all under the umbrella of Big Pharma. Do the math.


The CDC has a script and it reads ... Don't panic. Go to work!


Do what you always do, "we have everything under control."


That's why Boston went down the way it did. The "Mad Mad Search" through suburbia USA for some crazed teenager who was seen on TV carrying a backpack got Americans to agree to illegal search and seizure. That was why Boston Marathon bombing post-search went down the way it did. The militant swat suburbia police - the Department of Homeland Security, DHS, rolled through the middle class neighborhoods like a North Korean military parade of guns, tanks and armor, pulling people out of their houses. Don't you know they'll pull people with FEVERS out of their homes, "if you report it" or your neighbors do. Don't you know once you call in that emergency that someone in your home keeps vomiting and has diarrhea and fever - that's when they come to quarantine you in quarters where you're sure to be exposed to other victims, real victims of Ebola, and also forced-vaccinations of some Ebola strain that doesn't even match the one breaking out in the USA.


Is this too much to think about, or is it too much for CNN to report. Remember everyone, they hid the LOSSES in Vietnam from the Americans "back home"!! The news edited the script to keep America from panicking. Period. This is the history we must speak of with our family, with coworkers and friends at parties. This is the history we must speak of at the Dinner Table with our children.


Wake up and stay awake folks, so you can choose wisdom, safety and health above and beyond what the CDC will ever recommend you do.


Choose organic food, natural medicine and news from a reliable source:


"These supplies should include food, water, medicine, emergency power needs, heating and cooling, pet food supplies and so on. Water is often the most challenging for families because of the enormous quantities needed. I like to recommend 4 gallons per person per day, but in a pinch you could survive on half that. This means that a family of four needs, at bare minimum, about 250 gallons of water per month (and that barely covers basic hygiene and cooking needs). So a six-week supply of minimum water needs is roughly 375 gallons, or about 7 of those large 55-gallon barrels full of water."

Learn more:


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