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Memory holes, government-stalked reporters, the NSA and what you can do to protect your health, safety and PRIVACY

Attention Journalists and Investigative Reporters around the world, you are in for a rude awakening ... or so they'd have you believe. Are you scared to report the truth about your doctor, the hospital and vaccines? "They" want you to be. Who's "they"? Well, Big Pharma of course. The medicine cabal. The medical Mafia. The Obama-care-Hitler regime of forced medication and mass media blackouts and memory holes regarding natural cures for anything and everything!


Attention Journalists and Investigative Reporters around the world, the Obama administration is all about SHUTTING DOWN WHISTLEBLOWERS:


".... the current administration promised to be "the most transparent" in the nation's history. In fact, the Obama Administration has shown itself to be remorseless in pursuing those who leak information to the press and in spying on reporters who dare to investigate its activities."

Learn more:


Attention Journalists and Investigative Reporters around the world, keep doing what you're doing. Report the truth. Talk about the conspiracies. They do exist. We have proof. CDC whistleblowers tell it all to the camera and no vaccine court could ever deny it. No payoff could ever silence the true health investigators who relentlessly pursue the health freedom we are all entitled to. Know your Bill of Rights. They can't trample it. Know your Constitutional rights and even if Obama passes legislation to try to undermine it all, it doesn't matter. Do what is right and truth will prevail and award you and all those you help. Keep reading ...


As Natural News reports:


"One of the few journalists who has been outspoken on the matter is Sharyl Attkisson. She is the author of a new book entitled Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington, in which she claims that the government has harassed her, spied on her and even planted "incriminating evidence" on her computer's hard drive."

Learn more:


Attention Journalists andInvestigative Reporters around the world, scream the truth from the rooftops, on every social media site, on websites, on Natural, and on InfoWars. Scream the truth to your friends and neighbors, your relatives and coworkers. They can't silence us all. The more you put in writing on Alternative Media, the better the record of it. Only Mass Media outlets like TV and magazines with Big Pharma ads in the back - those are the memory holes for real medical and health and safety information and that's where you'll only find the shills and the lies.


Remember what you learn and use it. Read, write and blog about it. Organic freedom is yours, every day, if you choose it, and every dollar you spend shall be in the name of health freedom!

Follow the Natural News Tracker for more on memory holes and freedom of press -  this and every week of the year:




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