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Bil Nye, the rational guy who once spoke against GMOs, has now allied with them – sad but true!

According to Natural News, Bill Nye had several run-ins with the priests of the GMO religion since the publishing of his book Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation, which contains some valid (though lightweight) criticisms and concerns about genetic engineering. Many in the health movement were grateful for Nye's earlier position emphasizing that the long-term effects of GMOs are still largely unknown.

In the video clip from his show The Eyes of Nye, Nye speaks to the issue of GMOs altering entire ecosystems, including their potential to kill off entire species such as butterflies and bats, both of which are necessary for crop pollination.

"Let's say we genetically-modify this corn so that when insects eat it, they die," states Nye hypothetically, as he stands in a corn field. "Then the wind blows some of the pollen from that corn over here to these weeds, well, they're really wildflowers. And there are butterflies that rely on these flowers, and they eat some of that pollen, and all the butterflies die."

"So there's a whole summer without very many butterflies, and these are the rare butterflies that fly at night, so the bats that would normally feed on those butterflies can't get enough to eat for a whole summer. So you don't have nearly as much success at making bat babies, so that next summer there aren't nearly as many bats around to eat the mosquitoes."

And on and on it goes, explains Nye, as the unintended consequences of genetic alterations engage like falling dominoes, ravaging an entire ecosystem and causing irreversible damage. This is the dire situation the world faces with this mass genetic engineering experiment, and it's something that many of those responsible for forming food and agriculture policy are willfully ignoring.

To see some fascinating and interesting clips regarding the truth about how Bill Nye changed his stand on GMO foods, one can easily log onto:

Do you smell a rat? What's Bill Nye going to endorse next, flu shots?




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