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Did you get your kids the "Mad-Hatter" flu shot? Then don't - - Mercury-laden flu shots causing health detriment that can't be measured, like ADHD and Autism

Have you gone mad and followed the herd again right into health detriment? So sorry. There is a way out of the madness of the "mad hatter" flu shot racket. Follow the research. The powerful yet insidious US allopathic brainwash starts with the propaganda of scary pictures of kids dying from the worst case scenarios of infectious diseases, from the crippled children of polio to leper-looking cases of small pox. The scary pictures are always where the miseducation takes root, literally scaring people to death about germs, bacteria and viruses to the point that you are willing to inject those very germs, bacteria and viruses into muscle tissue to “build immunity” – all because you believe humans ("sheeple") are born extremely weak and in need of chemical jabs and yearly “boosters,” not to mention antibiotics that kill all your bacteria in your gut, which is destroying your biological “seat” of immunity. The vaccine industry wants you to believe you are weak, you were born weak, and you always will be weak without injecting chemicals into your muscle tissue repeatedly until you die from multiple horrific sicknesses. This is the vaccine racket. Read it. Know it. Don't live uninformed. Do not walk blindly into the flu shot world and think you can just "guess in the dark." Flu shots, nothing but a toxic shot in the dark. Avoid the jab at all costs. View this infographic and understand the WHOLE racket right now:

Flu shots contain dangerous heavy metal toxins and more than just "a little bit" or "not enough to hurt you." There's enough mercury and aluminum in a flu shot to wreck the central nervous system and cause permanent injury, like autism. Some adults will be fighting the mercury battle the rest of their lives.

Flu Shots contain GMOs!

Flu shots are "brewed" in a laboratory with genetically modified bacteria and viruses that are from "other" organisms which should never and would never "mingle" with what's about to be shot into your muscle tissue and remain there for an unspecified period of time that can't be measured or controlled by scientists. Flu shots contain different flu "bugs" that can work in tandem to destroy immunity and create superbugs inside the human body. Formaldehyde can keep influenza dormant and only "weakened," but sometimes not enough for the unborn baby in the mother's womb, or the elderly woman and man already suffering from US mal-nutrition, other toxic vaccines, GMO food and fluoridated tap water syndrome.

As reported on Natural

"If you've ever heard the saying "mad as a hatter," it refers to the fact that mercury was once used in the making of fur hats. Hatters, those unfortunates souls who made fur hats, would often go insane due to mercury poisoning. Studies have linked high levels of mercury to Alzheimer's disease. High levels of mercury have also been linked to autism, ADHD, and other learning disabilities and neurological impairments. Beta-propiolactone is a powerful and toxic disinfectant with multiple uses. It is used to sterilize blood plasma, shots, tissue grafts, surgical instruments, and enzymes. It is also "reasonably expected to be a human carcinogen," especially when injected into the bloodstream (International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1999)."

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