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“Stop Smoking King” reveals ultimate SECRET as to why commercial cigarettes are SO ADDICTIVE – free-based ammonia!

For decades, the U.S. government has allowed cigarette manufacturers to use ammonia to freebase tobacco in order to give nicotine over 35 times more addictive potential than normal, which does not register on nicotine level testing. Freebasing is a chemical process where the tobacco is cooked together with ammonia to make the nicotine stronger and therefore much more addictive. Similar to the chemical process of freebasing cocaine, the end result is an enhanced effect of the drug on the user. Ammonia is not listed as an ingredient in cigarettes anywhere – not on the box or the cartons. There are simply no regulations on NICOTINE POTENCY.
You see, nicotine exists in two forms, acid (bound) and base (free). In tobacco smoke, free nicotine molecules vaporize more easily than bound nicotine molecules. Tobacco companies discovered that adding ammonia to the cigarette manufacturing process helps convert bound nicotine molecules into free molecules. Once nicotine vaporizes into a gas, it is quickly absorbed by the lungs and distributed to the brain and heart immediately (within 3 seconds). The jolt or “quick fix” acts as a stimulant to make you feel less stressed, but only temporarily.

Smoking a pack a day of ammonia-treated cigarettes is equivalent to smoking 700 cigarettes in 1960. Which brand do you smoke? If it’s a premium brand, you can bet that the nicotine has been treated to hook you.

beaker boil

Big Tobacco gets caught using ammonia, but continues anyway

A summary of Minnesota’s lawsuit against Tobacco: The Big Tobacco companies began adding ammonia compounds to cigarettes in the 1960s to boost the effect of nicotine on hooking smokers, according to an expert witness in Minnesota’s lawsuit against the tobacco industry. In 1965, scientists at R.J. Reynolds were trying to find out why Winston was losing ground to Philip Morris’ Marlboro brand, and in their research discovered that Marlboro contained ammonia compounds.
In the 1970s, Reynolds started adding ammonia and “slowly but surely, everyone fell in line.” By 1990, documents showed that tobacco companies were using more than 10 million pounds of ammonia compounds each year. Researchers at Oregon Health and Science University used a laboratory smoking device to collect and analyze smoke from 11 brands of cigarettes. The study measured the first three puffs of smoke from each cigarette.
“The secret of Marlboro is Ammonia.”
Regarding a report by the Brown & Williamson Tobacco Company, reported:
“What is clear is that the modern cigarette is a highly engineered nicotine delivery device and it’s not just a matter of tobacco rolled-up in a piece of paper.” In that court case, according to highly cited chemist and researcher James Pankow, “Measurements ranged from about 1% all the way up to 35% free-base nicotine for a specialty US brand.” In his documentation, he explains how the top selling U.S. brands of cigarettes contain the most free-base nicotine. The findings actually help rate the addictiveness of different brands. He also added that “It is likely that ingredients such as ammonia and urea account for this addiction-enhancing effect.”

Free-based ammonia – the secret super-addictive element

The secret to the addiction is cooking tobacco with ammonia, which makes the nicotine up to 35 times as potent, and the “big-wigs” like Marlboro have already been busted in a court of law for using it.

Smokers are consuming ammonia – big time!

What’s in your cigarette? How is that making the addiction worse? Can you sue? Maybe you could quit smoking and win millions in court.
If you’re thinking about getting a prescription medication to help you quit smoking, be sure you know about the dangers of those, like Chantix and Zyban! You better do some homework on those “silent terrors.”

GMO tobacco seeds and plants contain RoundUp pesticide!

Have you ever smelled RoundUp? You can tell its poison just by sniffing the chemical concoction. If you were to drink an ounce or two, you’d probably die, but people are eating GMO food and smoking GMO tobacco like it’s normal, because they can’t smell or taste the RoundUp, but it’s still there, doing all that cell damage and cancer breeding.

Facts for Knowledge and Power

What percentage of tobacco in the U.S. is GM?
Why is GM (pesticide-laden) tobacco legal, when the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) knows people are burning pesticides?
Does the U.S. government want you to quit? Not really.
Is the “war on cancer” a joke? Yes. Consumption of chemicals is the REAL leading cause of cancer in the world.
Why do cigarettes burn at such high temperatures, burn so evenly, and rarely go out in heavy wind? There is glass wool and plastic (acetate like photo film) used in the filters and the wrapping mats of cigarette paper. Add that to the chemical bonfire.

What happens when you burn GM tobacco with toxic cleansers?

What happens is that you get a toxic concoction that makes you crave another cigarette, which contains ammonia-treated nicotine, in order to relieve your of the “chemical hangover.” You get locked into the vicious cycle. When you burn GMO pesticide, insecticide and herbicide with ammonia, bleach and glass wool, you get a damaged windpipe and toxic tar lodged around the tiny air sacs in your lungs.
Big Tobacco and the CDC don’t tell you that.

 Extinguished cigarettes are seen in an ashtray at the Shanghai Railway Station
Want to quit the free-based nicotine addiction or tell someone you love how? Check out the free trailer to the natural method (it’s organic too!)


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