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Showing posts from 2016

Facebook to become a trough of bullshit, just like CNN

Since Facebook has announced its intention to erect a Ministry of Truth echo chamber by labeling all news it doesn’t like “fake news,” I thought it appropriate to unveil the top 10 most delusional “facts” people will be subjected to if they keep viewing Facebook, CNN, or any other news propaganda being put out by what has become the mentally ill political left in America today. As anyone with a functioning brain already knows, the unhinged left is utterly clueless about the properties of “facts” or where they come from. To them, “facts” are whatever their friends keep repeating, even if they have no basis whatsoever in evidence or reality. In essence, “facts” are whatever they believe, while “fake news” is whatever you believe. (It really is that simple in their feeble brains.) So consider these top 10 most delusional “facts” we’ll soon see rolled out as “truth” by the newly-sprung news cartels operating inside Fakebook. “Fact” #1: Eating meat is cruelty to animals, but har...

Ooops! Another Mass Media Hoax Revealed - Bernie Sanders insider actually leaked Clinton emails!!

And now the total hoax of the left-wing delusional conspiracy theory begins to unravel. After days of witnessing the left-wing media hyperventilate over completely fabricated claims that “the Russians” hacked the DNC emails and turned them over to Wikileaks, it turns out the emails were actually leaked by a DNC insider who was angry about the orchestrated elimination of Bernie Sanders by Clinton operatives. The UK Daily Mail is now reporting that Craig Murray, the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, personally met the email leaker who handed him the emails files later released by Wikileaks. The email leaker, a Bernie Sanders insider, was reportedly motivated by “disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders,” reports the Daily Mail. The hand-off took place in Washington D.C. in a wooded area near American University, Murray explained. Via the Daily Mail: Murray insisted that the DNC and ...

Top seven fuels that feed the cancer 'fire' and mutate more cells

Cancer is not a disease, but rather a disorder of the cells, where they mutate and multiply uncontrollably. That's why cancer is not contagious, except for HPV, because that's a virus, not a cell disorder. It doesn't matter whether you believe in "conspiracies" or not, because the fact is that American conventional food has been engineered and processed to cause cancer , and in many more ways than one. There is a definitive reason why one out of every three Americans get cancer, when next to nobody in America got cancer 100 years ago. Have you started wondering why the "search for the cure" is all one big scam? Sure, you wish that your donations were helping, but they're not. The pink ribbons are just little mini-posters that represent Ponzi schemes invented by billionaires who wanted to double and triple their wealth. Want to prevent and cure cancer? Stop consuming chemicals, and while you're at it, tell your friends, family, ne...

Big sale on cancer-causing food all across America!

Did you know that the government has subsidized cancer food by pumping U.S. taxpayer money into genetically modified corn and the sugar produced from it? Yes, HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) is solely responsible for the massive spike in diabetes all across the country seen over the past decade and a half. The Bt corn toxin kills rootworm beetles, lab rats and humans. That's what GMO means – it means pesticides are genetically woven into staple crops like corn, soy, canola and cottonseed. Why do you think conventional food is so cheap? It actually costs farmers more money to use more chemicals and they produce less yield due to superbugs and superweeds taking over, but the government subsidizes toxic crop farming because the medical industrial complex is heavily invested in Americans' health demise. Obamacare is nothing but a ponzi scheme to get you into the hospitals so you can be treated with more chemicals. Why do you think flu shots are free? Is any other ...

There will never be a magic pill or miracle vaccine that cures cancer, ever

Mark these words: There will never be a magic pill or miracle vaccine that cures cancer, ever. Why? Cancer is a mutation of cells – a disorder of cells caused by the cumulative effect of toxins entering the body, one way or another, and overwhelming your cleansing organs to the extent that your cells become warped and the cell replication mechanism literally breaks, enabling cancerous cells to multiply uncontrollably. Learn more:

Hey Hitlery crybabies....

Trump America!! Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD) is a pattern of pathologically dissociative and psychotic behavior, first observed in the late hours of November 8th 2016 , and increasing in severity with passing time. Sufferers of Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder often exhibit pronounced cognitive dissonance, sudden bouts of rage, uncontrollable crying, suicidal ideation, and extreme sadness.   Signs and Symptoms:   People with Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder are characterized by a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to Make America Great Again. Individual sufferers often display signs of paranoia and delusion; in acute cases psychotic episodes have been observed. Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder is different from being upset about the results of the 2016 presidential election; People with TARD are unwilling or unable to accept reality, despite irrefutable evidence.   According to the DSM-V, ind...

Election of Donald Trump proves that the power of the people can overcome corruption and a 'rigged' system

    The long, tiring and frustrating election season is finally over and it's been historic in its own right: GOP nominee Donald J. Trump's victor has proven once more that We the People are the real power brokers in the United States of America, not the corrupt, rigged system that was built by shady, crooked career politicians like Hillary Clinton and the fat cat donors who own them. It was an uphill battle all the way for Trump, who fought "the establishment" for every vote. The entire political machine consisting of both Democrats and Republicans, global corporations, foreign governments, and the lying mainstream media were aligned against him. Billions of dollars were spent trying to prevent him from winning the White House. And they all failed. That's because in the end, the American people rose up and chose a candidate that did not have a three-decade record of failure. Hillary Clinton has been in politics for more than 30 years but, as ...

Landslide victory MFs!!!

Today We the People are taking America back from the lawless, corrupt, incompetent criminals running Washington and the lying leftist media. We're going to start by rejecting Hillary Clinton and the entire corrupt political class, most of whom belong in prison , not in high office. Next, we're going to reverse the completely idiotic policies, executive orders and regulations of the lunatic leftists who have been running American into the ground for the last eight years. This effort is going to begin by completely repealing the disastrous, unconstitutional, ill-conceived health care fiasco known as "Obamacare." Crush the lying media Even while that's happening, we're going to turn off the lying leftist media and stop watching their state-run propaganda parading around as news. All the "fake news" organizations -- Associated Presstitutes, Reuters, CNN, MSNBC and the Huffington Post -- are going to find themselves plummeting in aud...

Landslide victory for Trump TONIGHT! Nothin' the Hitlery liars can do to stop it now.

Today may be your last chance to SELL EVERYTHING: 'Every asset will collapse' warns financial analyst

This is a red alert moment of action for all Natural News readers. For the last eight years, I've been warning you that the "big one" is coming from the stock market. I've told you how the quantitative easing (i.e. endless money printing) of the central banks was artificially pumping up the markets by flooding the system with fiat currency. I've urged you to get out of digital (fictional) assets by selling stocks and buying REAL assets that survive a market crash (such as physical gold, farm land with water, stored food, etc.). Today, I'm announcing a red alert warning: The big crash is likely to begin soon after the election , no matter who wins. I'm not the only one who sees this coming, either. "David Stockman warns both Trump and Clinton could lead to 25% sell-off," blares a CNBC headline : "The markets are hideously inflated," warned Stockman on CNBC's "Fast Money" this week. The former Director of the...

The Clinton Machine: the largest criminal conspiracy ever uncovered in the history of the United States of America

In case you didn't already realize this, we're now watching the uncovering of a massive criminal conspiracy involving hundreds of willing participants, spanning the DNC, the Dept. of Justice, the White House, the Clinton Foundation and of course the State Department. When it's all said and done, this will be the largest criminal conspiracy ever uncovered in the history of the United States of America . And it was all masterminded by a woman who claims that her vagina gives her some sort of special privilege to ascend to power in America. Learn more:

The NSA, FBI, and Wikileaks are all WORKING TOGETHER to implicate the Clintons!

  Here it comes folks ... the sinking of the Clinton Titantic. It all ends by this weekend. The NSA, FBI, and Wikileaks are all WORKING TOGETHER to implicate the Clintons. Get Ready! It all changes BEFORE TUESDAY!!!! Bring out the marshmallows and weiners, folks: This is going to be the most bizarre campfire front row seat to U.S. history that anyone has witnessed in over 200 years. Try not to trip and "face plant" into the flames as all this unfolds. It might be a smart idea to have some preparedness supplies at the ready, since no one really knows just how nasty this is all going to get. (And thank God Hillary doesn't have her fingers on the nuclear launch codes, or she'd probably launch them just to change the narrative...) As for me, I'm with anybody who's trying to save America, restore democracy and throw the establishment criminals in prison. Like almost everybody else, I've had enough of the lies, the corruption, the m...

Trump movement awakening TENS OF MILLIONS!- - Landslide election coming Tuesday

The Trump movement is awakening tens of millions of Americans to the astonishing criminality of the democrats in Washington There's an unstoppable movement rising up in America now that simply will not tolerate filthy democrats stealing our democracy and conning their way into power. If they steal the election, we will take to the streets and declare a Clinton presidency illegitimate and illegal . We will stand behind the military men and women in uniform as the U.S. armed forces depose you and remove you from office , to announce new elections without the festering, cancerous stench of the DNC and the Clintons hanging over this nation like a putrid cloud of filth. We the People have had enough of you demons, you creatures from Hell, you walking bags of anti-human reptilian snakes who pretend to be "leaders" in Washington. Your days of tyranny and totalitarian domination are rapidly coming to an end. And you will soon face the informed justice of an enr...

BUSTED!! Clinton's caught trying to BRIBE the FBI

HILLARY CLINTON'S ENTIRE STAFF [AND MANY IN THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION] ARE GOING DOWN WITH HER: Judge Andrew Napolitano said this morning that newly-released FBI documents show evidence of a # bribe being offered by a senior # State Department official to # FBI agents. # PatrickFKennedy , the undersecretary of state for management, is reported to have pressured FBI agents to change the # classification on sensitive documents found on # HillaryClinton 's private email server.

Heartburn medication linked to kidney complication - shocking study published

  Despite the name, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart, besides having symptoms that, when severe, tend to resemble a heart attack. The typical burning sensation in the chest and esophagus are caused by irritation from stomach acid that's being slightly regurgitated. There is a direct correlation between highly acidic foods and people's stomach's inability to sufficiently process the acid. Since most Americans would rather die a slow, miserable death than change what they eat regularly, Big Pharma has come up with some popular "solutions"–ones that quell the burning sensation of acid reflux while preventing the kidneys from filtering toxins properly. While life-threatening waste materials accumulate in their body, they continue consuming their favorite fried foods, processed baked goods, brownies, cookies, soda, alcohol, spicy foods, dairy, and of course, meat. In fact, meat is one of the hardest foods for the stomach to digest. http://www.globalhe...

Get ready for Clinton Camp to carry out false flag event and blame Trump supporters!

If this false flag scenario is invoked, it's all going to play out in the next two weeks. I have known for a long time that the establishment was planning a massive false flag attack on innocent Americans in order to change the course of this election. And now, with voting day drawing near, it's a desperate situation for the democrats and the political establishment. To win the election, they must radically change the narrative... and U.S. history has proven that the only way they can achieve such an outcome is for leftists to carry out a massive false flag attack that spills a huge amount of blood into the streets of America . Learn more:

Bug Wars! Superbugs creating health and environment devastation across America

Do you spray Roundup on the weeds in your yard? Do you get prescribed antibiotics by your medical doctor the second you have symptoms of sickness, like a sore throat, a stuffy nose, or maybe some yellow or green mucus? Do you eat meat that's not labeled organic? In each of these ways, you could be fueling the superbug epidemics that are devastating America, and it could all be backfiring on your own health directly. Thirty years ago, biotechnology firms thought they were geniuses when they're scientists inserted the genes of toxic plants and insects into crops like corn and soy, only to find out that evolution would rear its head and the very insects that the chemical-agriculture companies seek to destroy became immune to the toxic insecticides and are now more prominent than ever. Even the weeds that biotech thought they were killing are worse now, taking over crop fields , no matter how much toxic herbicide farmers utilize. Then, there are superbugs in hospit...