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WARNING: NEVER EVER get the ZIKA virus vaccine - COMPLETE HOAX!!

Zika virus does NOT cause birth defects in human babies. This hoax is now officially debunked. Zika virus was discovered about 70 years ago, and since then, no deformations of human babies have ever been associated with it. Think of Zika as the new Swine flu, where the CDC is pushing propaganda to scare everyone into an upcoming mass vaccination program that brings in millions of dollars for the biotech, pharma, and vaccine industries, including Monsanto, Bayer, and most likely Merck. Remember last year when the CDC admitted that the flu shot contained the wrong strains, but they told everyone to "get in anyway," just in case? They sold over 200 million shots, filled with mercury, MSG, aluminum, and formaldehyde. Here are the facts about Zika on a timeline for your educational convenience:

1947: Zika virus discovered in Zika forest in Uganda, Africa. An arbovirus of the genus Flavivirus, Zika is similar to dengue and yellow fever, and the first human cases are described. Identified outbreaks in Southeast Asia and Oceania follow, and cases in Africa are documented by the early 1960s.

2007: Yap epidemic (an island in Pacific Ocean) documents first large scale epidemic, where three quarters of the local population infected with Zika, but ZERO birth defects reported from it.

Genetically modified version of Zika virus developed by British biotech company called Oxitec (Oxford Insect Technologies), with funds from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

October, 2009: Begin the first outdoor trials of GM, transgenic Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, in Caribbean island of Grand Cayman. Genetically engineered mosquitoes allegedly fight the spread of dengue fever, yellow fever, chikungunya, and zika virus.

June, 2014: Sumitomo Chemical company, associated with Monsanto, manufacture and release Pyroproxyfen chemical larvicide and weed killer for distribution in Latin America because Roundup is no longer killing the weeds. Pyroproxyfen produces malformations in mosquitoes.

August, 2014: WHO (World Health Organization) recommends spreading deadly poison Pyroproxyfen on State drinking water in Brazil to combat mosquito problem because mosquitoes are breeding in standing water supplies.

Massive spreading of Pyroproxyfen using planes over poverty-stricken areas ensues.

May, 2015: WHO and the Ministry of Health estimate more than 1 million "suspected" cases of Zika "virus disease" occurring in Brazil.

By the end of 2015: Up to 4,000 children in Pernambuco are born with congenital malformations, including microcephaly (small heads).

February, 2016: Physicians in the Brazil report benign disease Dengue-Zika is spreading among population, and is being transmitted by the Aedes mosquito.

March, 2016: Brazilian Ministry of Health jumps to make assertion that rise in microcephaly cases in newborns is directly linked to Zika virus.

Research reveals (but is buried by mass media) that previous Zika epidemics did NOT cause birth defects in newborns, even though affecting certain populations, like in Columbia, at a rate of 75% of the population. In fact, zero records of microcephaly (brain shrinkage) on record.

Brazilian doctors attest that chemical "control" is not decreasing the amount of mosquitoes.

Zika virus detected in 18 of the 26 states in Brazil.

Gates Foundation releases GM "genetically modified" male mosquitoes to breed with females to produce malfunctioning babies that are deformed and can't reproduce.

The D.U.M.B. Virus = Deformations (from) Unbelievable Mosquito Bites

Here is why you're better off just getting Zika virus then risking taking experimental vaccine: Zika "disease" is really more of a minor flu, usually accompanied by a low-grade fever, minor joint pain, headache, and a rash. Some people experience diarrhea, abdominal pain, or constipation. Microcephaly has never before been associated with Zika, until the latest hoax spread across mass media. Remember the Swine Flu hoax? Millions of people ran out to get the vaccine, only to find out it didn't work, and actually caused horrific side effects.

Beware. Population control is being applied across the world, and the main form of “contraception” is delivered by toxic inoculation for teenage girls and pregnant women. From the toxic HPV vaccine, to the hoax Swine flu, and soon to mass Zika (DUMB) shots for all the terrified, feeble-minded sheeple. What's next, a common cold vaccine? These vaccinations are disguised as infectious disease immunizations, but in reality, they are nothing more than severe health detriment, income for Big Pharma, and population control mechanisms, with a goal of immediate population cessation and reduction, by the billions. The US government infiltrates with this agenda across the globe, in countries where there are population overloads and where non-white, low income families are the majority, such as in African nations, India, Brazil, and inner cities of the United States.


<b>Sources for this article include:</b>









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