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Pediasure and Ensure - processed 'junk nutrition' for children, the hospitalized and the elderly

Did you know that hospitals serve artificial sweeteners like aspartame, and they serve genetically modified food like corn oil, canola oil and soybean oil in their cafeterias and recovery rooms, all across our great nation? Can you imagine eating pesticides and insecticides while trying to recover from surgery or sickness in the hospital? Do doctors know?

Did you just have a major operation and you're recovering in some superbug-ridden hospital bed? You need protein! Do you have a new baby? You know, humans grow faster during their first two years of life than at any other time. Your baby needs protein! Will that protein come with hydrogenated oils that are genetically modified? That is a BIG question.


PediaSure's "Nutritional Drink" may be just the opposite of what you think. This highly processed maltodextrin (corn), soy oil and medium-chain triglyceride combo may be detrimental to your health. This whey protein, soy lecithin and cellulose gel could be a GMO mix of synthetically modified funk that your body NEVER needs, whether you're newborn or a century young. (

Even "Fooducate" (free phone app) warns you: "This product is highly processed. If you'll take a look at its ingredient list, you'll discover new words to add to your vocabulary. Many of theses ingredients are required to increase the shelf life of the product and improve the flavor that disappears when food is not fresh." (

Modified oils are contaminated with pesticides - is your baby a pest?

Most infant formulas contain carrageenan, glyceride, soy lecithin, maltodextrin, soy oil, soy protein isolate and milk protein concentrate. The soy is GMO, and the milk contains artificial hormones given to cows that force them to overproduce milk, giving them udder infections. The cows are then given antibiotics to beat back their infections, so how good is that concentrated milk again? Maltodextrin -- that's just a cousin of monosodium glutamate, one of the worst food additives ever approved, that causes migraine headaches and can cause neuroendocrine disorders and brain damage in infants. Guess what soy protein isolates are? More cousins of MSG, just like autolyzed yeast extract.

Common "protein" shake ingredients
• Water: not listed as reverse-osmosis so most likely contains toxic fluoride.
• Sugar: most likely genetically modified beet sugar.
• Corn Maltodextrin: can cause asthma, wheezing, rashes and itchy skin
• Milk Protein Concentrate: contains hormones that cause chronic ear infections, sinus issues and even lung cancer.
• Canola Oil: Processed with hexane, a constituent vapor of gasoline.
• Soy Protein Isolate: nutritionally void, highly processed and contaminated with neurotoxic aluminum!
• "Natural and Artificial Flavor": the FDA has no regulations for these words.
• Tuna Oil: usually bleached and deodorized.
• Carrageenan: adversely affects the gastrointestinal system.
• Riboflavin: synthetic -- are you a robot or a human?
• Vitamin D3: most likely GMO and not bioavailable.

Just because a product has a few safe ingredients doesn't mean the rest of the ingredients aren't food toxins, including heavy metals. Plus, these formulas are supposed to be for children who need EXTRA nutrition. Watch out for DHA and RHA extracted with hexane. Watch for the synthetic preservative ascorbyl palmitate and synthetic nutrients like lutein, lycopene and taurine, not to mention l-carnitine and l-methionine. Remember, the suffix sure is there to fool you. It's psychological advertising and brainwashing over years and years. Many infant formulas contain alarmingly high amounts of toxic heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium and lead. The Health Ranger exposed this with rice protein in the Natural News Forensic Food Lab. (

Believe it or not, infant formula, like no other food, is regulated by its own law, the Infant Formula Act of 1980, that was amended in 1986. The act sets lower limits on 29 nutrients (so-called "table nutrients" because they appear in table form. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR 107.100) Did you know that powdered formula is neither guaranteed nor required to be free of pathogenic organisms? Today, infant formulas are "fortified" -- which means that vitamins and minerals are added back in that had previously been "cooked" out. This, for the most part, doesn't work. Isolated nutrients in fortified foods usually pass through the system unused, if you're lucky. Plus, most of the fortification process involves using synthetic minerals, and you know where that leads -- just ask the Environmental Working Group.

Are you aware that most formulas and protein drinks are made with plastic bottles that contain the chemical BPA, bisphenol-A, which leads to birth defects and reproduction issues? The "Food Babe" tells us about the dangers of conventional formulas (

Don't be a filter for Big Pharma

Neither you, nor your baby, grandmother or grandfather, nor your mother or father should ever drink or eat something that contains artificial growth hormones, antibiotics and pesticide. If you are recovering from surgery or some other health incident, you should never consume anything GMO, especially "protein drink" that contains hydrogenated oils that fuel inflammation, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Research, reflect and shop wisely.

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