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This November, vote for food and medicine freedom - Top 4 reasons NOT to vote for Hillary!

For many Americans, neither candidate for President, in their eyes, is suited for the job, and they'd much rather vote for Mickey Mouse than to choose from the current front-runners. But the main problem is that one of the candidates will surely infringe upon personal freedoms that make a huge difference in health for all members of the family, including adults, children, infants, and babies on the way.

If you think there's no difference regarding food and medical freedoms at stake in this election, you couldn't be more gravely mistaken. One candidate is massively funded by corporations, lobbyists, biotechnology companies, pharmaceutical regimes, and Wall Street. In 2014, that same candidate openly stated at the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) convention in San Diego that food genetically engineered to contain pesticides is something we should all want.

#1. Hillary Clinton is the Bride of Frankenfood and has already sold out to the Kings of GMO–Monsanto (now owned by Bayer)

Hillary Clinton (of the Clinton Crime Family) is a shill for biotech, regurgitating their very own scripted language and twisted terms used to falsely describe cancer-causing and Alzheimer's-causing food that has besieged our staple food and caused chronic damage to the environment. Hillary talks the biotech game language, throwing propaganda terms around to help pad her own pockets and to help fund her campaign for President, which is falling apart at the seams.

Most Americans are quickly waking up to the dangers of GMOs, figuring out the real research that's revealing lab animals dying from horrific cancer tumors, children exacerbating allergies and autism, and the elderly losing their memories and their collective minds faster and younger than ever before. It's not a coincidence. Crooked politicians will say anything to get more money to gain more power, and that's all that "Hitlery" Clinton is about. She's been figured out. Simply put, a vote for Clinton is a vote for Monsanto.

#2. Hillary will continue Obama's raiding of organic farms and natural supplement distributors

Like no other president in the history of this country, Obama has been relentless at having his stooges–heavily armed regulatory goons from the FDA, USDA, DEA, EPA, and DHS–raid organic farms in order to destroy, intimidate, and annihilate, by example, anyone who defies his poisoned, corporate-infested country full of GM corn, soy, canola, and cottonseed.

Obama has opened the GMO doors wide, hiring biotech industry insiders to run the FDA, and if Hillary were to win the election next month, the reign of terror would simply continue and get even worse. Stand up for organic food and organic farmers and refuse to vote for a tyrannical regime that illegally destroys hard working farmers who actually care about the health and livelihood of their customers and a sustainable environment.

#3. Hillary and the Clinton Crime Family will continue to attack natural medicine doctors and bury the cures for cancer

Just last year, eleven cancer cure doctors were all found dead within 3 months, and each death fell under suspicious circumstances. Why would the government of the United States have nearly a dozen holistic doctors murdered? The doctors had discovered an enzyme protein (nagalase) present in vaccines that causes disease and disorder, including cancer and autism.

Make no mistake, Big Pharma, the vaccine industry, and the cancer industrial complex of America is filthy rich and awfully powerful.

#4. Hillary supports forced mass vaccination of infants, children and adults

Let's be very clear here: Globalists like Bill Gates, who contributes heavily to the Clinton regime, believe in depopulation and reducing the world's population by the billions, as he has clearly stated can be done through the use of vaccines. This is why flu shots are free and the government wants mandatory vaccinations for all pregnant women, babies, children, teens and adults across America.

It's not a conspiracy theory. Vaccines still contain mercury, aluminum, monosodium glutamate (MSG), embalming fluid for the dead (formaldehyde), peanut oil, genetically modified viruses, and live versions of experimental diseases like Zika, Swine, and Bird Flu. Vaccines are already mandatory in the state of California, and if Clinton had her way, no human being living in America could ever be exempt for any reason from getting every single toxic jab the CDC concocts and "recommends" (enforces at gunpoint).

Proof Trump actually cares about organic food and medical freedom

Go online and take a look at most of Donald Trump's hotels and restaurants and you will find that he promotes organic food in most of them, so he'll probably not be "owned" by Monsanto and Bayer when it comes to food regulations. Plus, Trump has spoken out about too many vaccines too close together causing autism.

For the first time in decades, a possible new President won't be "owned" by the corporations that pump money into campaigns and then demand their poisonous products get pushed on the American people with no regulations. Trump is our best chance at preserving and promoting food and medical freedom. Be intelligent and resourceful. Get out to the polls and state your case!

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