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Showing posts from 2017

Top seven natural cures for cancer that got buried by the FDA, AMA, CDC

How do you keep the spread of cancer "growing"? Bury the cure. How do you keep 1.5 million Americans "infested" yearly with mutated cells that multiply uncontrollably? You breed cancer in food and medicine. How many years ago did America start this evil strategy to make people sick and deny them the cure? Nearly 100 years. Where did it all really start? The American Medical Association (AMA) and a man named Morris Fishbein, who single-handedly removed nutrition from medical schools in the U.S. and installed a fake seal of approval for harmful lab-made drugs that made cancer worse. What else did Fishbein do? ( ) Just in case you "doubters" and skeptics want some concrete proof, some evidence to take with you on your journey NOT to get cancer, here are some historical, proven facts to help you understand WHY you need to go 100% organic and research and use natural remedies, to build your immunity to disease with superf...

Whole Foods pushes TOXIC blood-clotting canola oil in more than 50% of their packaged products and at the prepared food bar

The slogan on the Whole Foods website says, “Eat real food.” Sure. Then at the top of the home page they claim, “We’re growing something good.” Really? Since when is rapeseed good? Most of the signature Whole Foods brand “365” products contain rapeseed oil (also known as  Canadian Low Acid Oil  or “canola” for short). All canola oil needs to be thrown under the bus with every other blood-clogging “food stuff” product created in a laboratory, including margarine and genetically modified soybean, corn and palm oils. Most canola is chemically extracted using hexane, a highly flammable and carcinogenic solvent that’s a constituent of gasoline. Yep, gasoline. Why? Rapeseed oil stinks and is toxic to all animals, including humans, so the crooks and scoundrels at the FDA had to approve a process to deodorize the funk and slide rapeseed under the radar of intelligent U.S. consumers (and the not-so-smart ones too). This process completely destroys the omega-3s and creates tran...



The Fluoride DECEPTION in the USA

Tap water is TOXIC to humans ... here's proof

5 mistakes most people make when they get diagnosed with CANCER

There are a lot of things you might do when you’re diagnosed with cancer: worry incessantly, research nonstop, talk to family and friends, and probably do your fair share of crying. However, there are also several things you should be careful  not  to do when you’re first diagnosed if you want to give yourself a fighting chance of beating this illness. Inspired by  Juicing for Health , here is a list of five of the top mistakes people make immediately after getting a cancer diagnosis. 1. Going directly into mainstream treatment It’s a perfectly natural reaction when you’re facing a deadly disease to tell your doctors to fix it as fast as they can. Perhaps you even made an appointment for the next step before leaving the office the day you got the bad news. Time might not be on your side, but you can still afford to take an hour or two to research your options and find out if you could be a candidate for safer alternatives before committing to chemotherapy, for ...

Artificial Sweetener Disease; a new breed of sickness

Artificial Sweetener Disease (ASD) is sweeping across America, affecting tens of thousands of consumers, and Western medicine calls it anything but what it really is, so that doctors can prescribe expensive pharmaceuticals and set up "check up" appointments for the following weeks. Call it recurring headaches, unbearable migraines, depression, anxiety, muscle pain, arthritis flare ups, buzzing or ringing in the ears, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease, inflammation, even acid reflux, but don't call it ASD, or the patient may stop consuming synthetic sweeteners, and then not schedule more doctor visits. The symptoms of ASD can change overnight, depending on how much chemical sweetener you consume, and which ones. Some combinations are especially toxic. Consumers can go from a migraine headache to vomiting or from vision problems to an upset stomach. Many people experience central nervous system disorders, cramping, nervou...

Top 8 organic MISTAKES most people make because they have not done the research

There are no absolutes when it comes to a healthy lifestyle and clean eating. Many foods that were perfectly wholesome just months ago may be tainted and contaminated now if the farmer, company or corporation that makes them changed even just a few key ingredients, or worse yet, sold out to “Big Food.” Nothing is 100 percent reliable either. People jump on diet bandwagons and think some new fad is the “be all, end all” of diets and if they can just stick to it they’ve “got it made.” Wrong. There are holes in every game, and exceptions to every rule. There are major problems with labels like “all natural” and “gluten free,” but we’ll save those topics for another article. If you thought going 80 percent or 90 percent or even 100 percent organic was “all good,” then  you’ve got a bit more homework  to do, but don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Let’s talk about organic mistakes millions of people are making and exactly why, so we can all stay on track with eating clean da...

Processed meats or cigarettes – which gives you cancer more quickly?

When people see someone smoking a cigarette, they immediately think of how much health damage the person is “self inflicting,” and how they are greatly raising their risk of getting cancer from inhaling all those toxins. Cigarettes contain ammonia, bleach, formaldehyde and pesticides, which all drive cancer cells to multiply uncontrollably which often leads to lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and kidney failure. Have you ever looked at someone eating a deli sandwich that way?  Maybe you should start. Did you know that processed deli meats are classified as  Class 1A carcinogens  for humans, according to the  World Health Organization ? Processed deli meats, hot dogs, sausages and most bacon cause colorectal cancer, for starters. So, then what about the smokers who eat deli sandwiches and hot dogs on a regular basis? Will they still be “above ground” in a decade or two? Let’s take a closer look at some food choices that are ranked alongside...

How do you QUIT SMOKING in 60 Minutes?? Cigarette Killer Reveals Trade Secret

Watch this video and learn how to QUIT SMOKING in 60 minutes!! And naturally I might add!

Top 9 vaccines you NEVER need and exactly why the CDC has to scare everybody into getting them

Sure, we live in a capitalistic country, and more power to the people who run businesses and make a good living selling goods and services. But, all of those who knowingly make money off other people's demise should be shut down and fined, and maybe even jailed. That rule of thumb should go for companies, organizations and corporations too, not to mention regulatory agencies, but that's more of a utopian world, that doesn't exist, and from the looks of things, probably never will. Since the beginning of time, indigenous peoples have found  natural foods, herbs, tinctures, berries, mushrooms and minerals  that prevent and cure all types of infectious diseases, but in America, only a small portion of the population know about them, and some of those folks don't even believe in them anymore. What's the reason for that? Fear. Immense fear has been instilled in citizens by their government, that takes a few of the worst-case-scenarios for each infectious disease, and...