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How to quit smoking in 14 days

The fastest, easiest, and most common sense way ever!

1.      Learn the Government’s secret of WHY cigarettes are so addictive. Find out how Marlboro and Kool hooked an entire nation of smokers in one year, nearly putting every other cigarette manufacturer out of business!

2.      Change over from FREE-BASED TOBACCO to organic without a hitch.

3.      Ween yourself off of nicotene WITHOUT SUFFERING from “nic fits”.
4.      Learn all the OTHER reasons you can’t quit smoking besides the nicotene, and the tricks to our stabilization & stress reduction techniques.
5.      Finally, once and for all, label yourself as a non-smoker.

        “This is for real. It really works!”    Larry King
      “This product is genius and quick!”    David Wolfe
     “Just like that and it’s all over!”           Kevin Trudeau

The fastest, easiest, and most common sense way ever!

The U.S. Government allows all cigarette manufacturers to use Ammonia to free-base tobacco in order to give nicotene over 100 times more addictive potential than normal, which does not register on nicotene level testing. Ammonia is familiar to anyone who has ever had to clean a set of windows or countertops.  Under normal circumstances, ammonia is a corrosive and toxic gas with a rather pungent odor, and most people’s ammonia exposure is limited to household cleaners.  Ammonia exposure can cause a number of serious health problems.  It will irritate and burn the eyes, throat, and nose when inhaled, and in higher concentrations it can induce severe coughing and choking fits.  Prolonged exposure to ammonia in gas or liquid form can severely irritate the eyes and skin, and result in permanent scarring of the cornea and chemical burns on the skin and lungs.

Nicotine exists in two forms, acid(bound) and base(free). In tobacco smoke, free nicotine molecules vaporize more easily than bound nicotine molecules. Once nicotine vaporizes into a gas, it is quickly absorbed by the lungs and distributed throughout body.

Freebasing Nicotine With Ammonia:

Tobacco companies discovered that adding ammonia to the cigarette manufacturing process helps convert bound nicotine molecules in tobacco smoke into free nicotine molecules. This process is known as "freebasing." Similar to the chemical process of freebasing cocaine, the end result is an enhanced effect of the drug on the user.

What is “Crack” Nicotene ??!!

Some cigarettes have a "kick" containing 35 times more "freebase" nicotine - the most addictive form - than others, researchers have found. The findings could help rate the addictiveness of different brands, they say.
"Free-base" nicotine is a particularly potent form of the naturally-occurring tobacco drug because it is in an extremely volatile, uncombined form. This means it can be much more rapidly absorbed by the lungs and brain than nicotine derivatives such as nornicotine or its salts.
The new study is the first into the amount of "free-base" nicotine contained in common brands of cigarettes and found wide-ranging differences. The researchers at Oregon Health and Science University used a laboratory smoking device and a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer to collect and analyse smoke from 11 brands of cigarettes. The study measured the first three puffs of smoke from each cigarette.

"Measurements ranged from about one per cent free-base nicotine in the first few puffs to 36 per cent for a specialty US brand," says lead researcher James Pankow. "One type of Marlboro, the leading US brand of king-sized filter cigarettes, contained about 10 per cent free-base nicotine."
The amount of freebase nicotine in cigarette smoke increases as the alkalinity, or pH, increases. This factor can be influenced by the use of certain additives. "It is likely that ingredients such as ammonia and urea account for this addiction-enhancing effect. But you can also adjust the chemistry of the smoke by adjusting the blend. Some types of tobacco give a more basic blend," Pankow told New Scientist.
"There was tremendous amount of documentation revealed during litigation in the US of manipulation of the freebase levels and the FDA certainly believed there was manipulation of cigarette chemistry," he adds.
"What is clear is that the modern cigarette is a highly engineered nicotine delivery device and it's not just a matter of tobacco rolled-up in a piece of paper," Pankow says. "Even the so-called 'additive-free' cigarettes are highly engineered."
Journal reference: Journal of Chemical Research in Toxicology (DOI: DOI: 10.1021/tx0340596)

Straight to the Brain!!

Previous research has shown that a drug's addictiveness is influenced by the speed at which it is delivered to the brain and absorbed into and from the blood stream.
The study shows that the modern cigarette does to nicotine what crack does to cocaine," says addiction expert Jack Henningfield, at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The notorious addictiveness of smoking crack results from the vaporized cocaine reaching the brain almost immediately. Similarly, free-base nicotine is the most damaging form because it is the optimal configuration for binding to the nicotine receptors in the brain, heart and rest of the body. If the binding efficiency is increased, it means the concentration of nicotine at the receptors is higher and so it is very addictive. The first few puffs are the most important in terms of addiction, because nicotine reaches the brain within seconds.

The Yogurt “Weight Loss” Story

Imagine that you have been on a diet for one year, just trying to lose 12 pounds and smooth out your gut. You’ve been working out, running, eating healthy, and following all the advice of professionals and nutritionists that you’ve compiled from health and fitness magazines. You’ve even been consulting friends and family who are educated in nutrition and fitness. One problem, part of your diet consists of eating yogurt three times a day because it quells your appetite before meals and you eat less when you do sit down for meals. Yogurt has enzymes that help with digestion, and the kind you’ve been eating only has 4 grams of fat – as listed on the back of each cup. According to all the diet plans, you can have 12 grams of fat from yogurt and you’re right on track to losing the 12 pounds, but one year in and no change!! What??? How could this be?! You really haven’t cheated much at all, only on holidays and a few nights out with friends where you had a few glasses of wine.

Now, what if, after all that hard work and dieting, you found out that the yogurt company was lying, and the actual grams of fat were 10 times what the label said, because of some secretive chemical process which modified how the fat grams registered when tested by regulatory agencies who make the manufacturer list the fat content.

This yogurt you have been eating for a year, every day, three times a day, actually has 40 grams of fat per serving, and now you find out due to a little research you’ve done, thanks to a friend who alerted you about some fraudulent advertising practicing in which the yogurt companies were suspected of engaging.

You are fuming angry! You’d love to sue the company, but the Government and the Regulatory agency are all in on the scam since it makes them millions, so you’ll just be spinning your wheels and wasting hard earned money trying to go to court over it. So what do you do??  

Knowledge is King

There is nothing more powerful in this world than knowledge. When you know what the problem is, you have the power to solve it. If you know about the TRUE fat content in the yogurt, you would stop eating it, or change brands immediately, wouldn’t you? If you knew that the nicotine in your cigarettes was ten times the level listed, and you were trying to quit or cut back, wouldn’t you switch brands before you tried to go cold turkey? The problem with most people trying to quit isn’t motivation or wanting to quit, it’s that they can’t. Most people will make up their minds to quit, but it doesn’t matter, because they can’t. If you were serving ten years in prison for a crime with no parole, and after a year you decided one night in your cell that you would never commit a crime again as long as you live, would they let you out? No. Just making up your mind to do something isn’t enough. You have to have the knowledge of how to do it and the step by step plan.

Knowing that cigarettes with free-based nicotine create a CHEMICAL ADDICTION, just like cocaine users have, is enough knowledge to require you to take action right away. You must cut out the free-based nicotine.

Your habit of smoking, for whatever other reasons, be it relaxation, breathing exercise, getting outside on breaks from work, socializing, menthol, and so on, those habits may continue, but you can quit a habit by choosing to do so, you can’t just quit an addiction BY CHOOSING TO DO SO. YOU NEED HELP.

The good news is that HELP is HERE! Change over to organic cigarettes or buy organic tobacco and roll your own. This is step one! You must start here in order to free yourself of the chemical addiction, and then quitting or slowing down is a matter of choice.

Nicotine patches and gum won’t do the trick either. You cannot ween yourself off of freebased nicotine by supplementing or replacing 1/100 of the need. You’ll go right back eventually, and the cigarette companies know it. Heck, they’re mainly the ones who sell the patch and the gum! Isn’t that ironic?



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