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Trump Derangement Syndrome

Trump Derangement Syndrome fueled by these FOUR POISONS: Mass media propaganda, vaccines, fluoridated water, and rapeseed oil...

Over the past couple decades, there have been several Presidents who angered millions of Americans with terrible policies, bad decisions, false promises, and confounding rhetoric, yet still we did not witness the enraged resentment and outright derangement of the masses that we now see taking place during the Trump Administration era. Like never before, Americans, including celebrities, are threatening to murder the POTUS, and most people can’t even have a normal discussion with Leftists, even family members, without starting an all-out screaming match about politics.

Today, if you simply garner a MAGA hat (Make America Great Again), bumper sticker, or t-shirt, you will be brutally beaten to the edge of death in the streets. Who are these enraged freaks and why are they acting like Neanderthals when confronted with the truth about an honorable, hard-working President or the crooked, sinister leading Democrats and Socialists? 

Could it be that it’s not really so much about politics, but a mass brainwashing taking effect through fake news and heavy metal poisons found in their food, water and medicine? Let’s take a close look at exactly what is driving TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome, and see if there’s a cure.

Mass Media Propaganda is now a POISON that infects more than 50 million American minds – fueling stress, violence and outrage

Only 50 million (Trump supporters) of the 330 million Americans know that nearly every television news network (except for a few Fox shows) features scripted lies and propaganda purported by the extreme Left (Democrats, Socialists, and Communists) who want to dismantle America, destroy the Constitution, confiscate guns, sicken the masses, eliminate the middle class, and control everything by Oligarchy.

CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, nearly every major newspaper, and all social media outlets are controlled and manipulated by dirty Leftist politics. So you’re asking, how can so many people, especially educated people with responsible jobs, fall for this brainwashing propaganda? Simple. The masses are simply drugged up, dumbed down, and the lies are repeated across the spectrum day in and day out. In fact, the EXACT same lies are repeated, even by the local TV stations and newspapers.

Now imagine these same fake news outlets spreading lies over and over, calling President Trump a racist, bigot, misogynist, Russian conspirator, baby killer, KKK member, immigrant hater, and so on. It becomes embedded in the minds of millions of Americans who just so happen to be eating and drinking neurotoxins daily. There’s a cumulative effect, and it’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Vaccines contain POISON that infects more than 50 million American minds – fueling stress, violence and outrage

You really want to believe that America’s modern medicine isn’t a horror story in the making, but sadly, it is. Kids get more than 50 vaccines before age 7, many of which still contain mercury, aluminum, monosodium glutamate, sodium chloride, formaldehyde, infected animal proteins, and yes, genetically modified organisms. Once the immune system is shocked into mass confusion, the central nervous system breaks down, and the brain can’t function on all cylinders.

Today’s vaccines are loaded with known neurotoxins and heavy metal poison, and it all adds up, despite what the lying doctors and corrupt CDC say otherwise. That’s why the vaccine industry has already doled out $4 billion in damage compensation to those injured (some permanently) by immunizations. Ever heard of “Mad Hatter Disease?” Mercury (listed as thimerosal on the vaccine insert) accumulates in the brain’s tissue and drives people mad. Look it up.

Fluoridated water is POISON that infects more than 50 million American minds, lowering IQ, thus enabling brainwashing

The fluoride dripped into American municipal taps is not helping strengthen teeth – that, my friends, is the most insidious lie ever perpetuated on the American people. Fluoride chemicals in tap water are directly linked to lowered IQ, cancer, and brittle bones. Peer-reviewed research out of Harvard University identified artificial water fluoridation as a main culprit in the neural toxicity that significantly lowered IQ in Americans.

Maybe that’s how at least 50 million Americans believe all the lies the mass media (MSM) spews out on a daily basis. Fact: Based on Ivy League analysis, no amount of lead, mercury, or fluoride is safe for human consumption.

Canola oil is really rapeseed oil that coagulates in the blood and brain, causing dementia – fueling violence and outrage

Take a bottle of canola oil, which is simply diluted rapeseed oil, and pour it in a bowl, then leave it outside for about six weeks. Alarmingly, no insects or animals will even attempt to eat it. Rapeseed oil is an insecticide, not food. The canola oil will coagulate and become a tangled, sticky mess that resembles cement glue.

Now imagine this taking place in your brain. Nearly all prepared foods sold in America today contain canola oil, because it never spoils and it’s super cheap for the corporations who don’t care about human health.

Canola oil is fueling the dementia epidemic in America. Canola oil is the “perfect fuel” for Trump Derangement Syndrome. Have you removed it from your daily intake? You better do it fast, before you get demented and brainwashed, and then vote for the insane Democrat-Socialist-Communist freaks that are running for President in 2020.

Tune in to for more coverage of the “Trump Effect,” where millions of Americans are brainwashed by bad food, bad medicine, and twisted media messages that say everything Trump says or does is bad, bad, bad, even when the Democrats demanded most of the same exact policies just a few years ago.
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