Nicotine is the 3rd most addicting drug in the world. Very hard to quit. Yet, the physical addiction to it is broken in just 4 days, the rest is behavioral and mental after that. Here's what you do. FIVE EASY STEPS.
#1. Set a day, about a week from now, to start your QUIT. You will quit cold turkey. Yes.
#2. Boost your dopamine levels naturally with a superfood and supplement drink called Krave Kicker. It costs less than the patch or gum, and there's no need to keep buying it after you quit nicotine. It is NOT a scam and it is not sold by Big Tobacco or Big Pharma. It's $54 for a 12-pack online only, and most people buy 2 12-packs, one for quitting in 4 days (drink 3 a day), and another for stressful times after that when you crave nicotine, just gulp a 2.5 oz shot of Krave Kicker, and the cravings are nixxed! Axed. Gone. Nilch. Don't exist.
#3. Change what you eat and drink to eliminate gluten, sugar, and processed oils - at least for the 4 days you first quit. This will give your body a break from toxins that make you crave relief.
#4. Exercise for 5 to 15 minutes a day, lightly. Don't do anything you hate, and don't over exert yourself. Just walk a mile, or jog 1/2 a mile, or swim 15 laps in a pool, or do some yoga. Keep it simple. Even shoot some hoops on the driveway, or at the gym, or play some lite tennis or ping pong. Anything fun.
#5. Tell the people you know that you're quitting nicotine, but don't brag about it. Just mention it to them and see what they say. If they congratulate you, tell them thank you. If not, don't talk to them until you're done! You must surround yourself with positivity at this time.
Guess what? That's all there is to it. Start now. Go to and check out the world's leading natural quit method. Zero nicotine. Zero caffeine. Zero sugar. Nothing artificial. Organic juices with superfoods and supplements to kick the kravings of nicotine, for good!