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Krave Kicker Ends Addiction Cravings Naturally!

No withdrawal, no crash!

Natural DOPAMINE BOOST does the trick. Check it out.


Immediate gratification or "instant gratification" is a term that refers to the temptation, and resulting tendency, to forego a future benefit in order to obtain a less rewarding but more immediate benefit. These "benefits" are usually just boosts to your dopamine with a drug, alcohol, caffeine, or sugar dose that is unhealthy for your system in general.


It's easy to get dragged into the undertow of addiction. Most consumers never plan for it, or on it, or how to escape it should it happen. We grab an adult beverage or two, or try a cigarette or vape puff, maybe even drugs, and of course, some sugar, and what happens? Without some serious self-control and discretion, it becomes more of it, more often, and then we can't seem to function without it. What's your crutch? Most people have at least one.




Ever look at the ingredients on a product and scan your eyes down to find "added sugars" and see how many grams of added sugars they've literally ADDED to your snack or beverage, or prepared meal. It should be zero. Watch this all day with everything you eat or drink. Once you cut this out, you will be free of the sugar crutch. Oh, and don't worry about sugar in fruit, because the natural kind is tied in with the fiber of the fruit, which allows for proper digestion and use.




Ever fallen for this trick? Many youngsters in the world will get a little wild growing up and try a cigarette, cigar, dip, chew, and now vape. What you don't know WILL kill you, well, not immediately, but eventually, before your "time" is up. Nicotine drags you in by the heels, and you can't get free without help. Nicotine constricts veins, arteries, and capillaries to the point where you're choking out your supply of oxygen and nutrients to vital parts of the body, including the cleansing organs, heart, and brain. Nicotine is the world's third most addictive drug, and some say it's harder to quit than heroin or cocaine.




Wait, did you get prescribed some painkillers by your doctor that contain opioids? That's just a diluted form of heroin, and if you never came "off" it, that's because they were designed that way. The opioid epidemic was planned from the beginning, as the pharma goons that designed them knew they were still of the heroin family, and it's all just one big money making machine. Meanwhile, people end up buying more on the streets, and it's worse than cocaine or crystal meth, because now many drugs are laced with fentanyl and tranq – the new drug made for sedating animals for surgery, that turns humans into festering, ulcer-laden zombies who overdose and die from it. It's no joke. Time to find a natural way to boost dopamine that's safe and effective, with no withdrawals and no crash. Keep reading. This is worth careful consideration.




Alcohol can be a gateway drug, especially for smokers, people who vape, or people who suffered substance use disorder and then are very prone to relapse after drinking alcohol. They get drunk and then go looking for drugs. It's a "prescription" for disaster. Pot was never a "gateway drug," but alcohol certainly can be, so watch out with that. Many people use discretion and have a glass of wine or two, or a couple beers occasionally, or maybe a mixed drink at a party, and that's it. There are ways to "party" in moderation. Figure out your own balance, lifestyle, and tolerance, and stick to it.




Now, it's time to consider Krave Kicker for those nagging crutch cravings you want to axe so you can avoid relapse or just polluting your now cleaner system. Dopamine is natural body chemistry, but if you overdo sugar, nicotine, caffeine, or alcohol, those levels drop when the crutch is not being consumed. What to do? Use the natural beverage that boosts dopamine with the most potent L-dopa content on planet earth, from a tropical bean that's like magic. Plus, get some vitamin B12 to balance the nervous system. You'll feel great. It's a natural mood elevator and energy boost that keeps giving you motivation for hours on end.


Krave Kicker Ends Addiction Cravings Naturally!

No withdrawal, no crash!

Natural DOPAMINE BOOST does the trick. Check it out.






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