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The Nicotine Escape Project


The term "project" is defined as an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim. A unique project is one that adds a new product, service, or process distinct from any project ever accomplished before. If someone were to escape, say, from prison, they would need not only a new, elaborate plan, but they would have to execute it perfectly, otherwise, it's back to the cell to start from scratch. Many people have an amazing story to tell about their lives, but never even begin writing it down, otherwise, they may have a brilliant book to publish or movie to be made.  The project escapes them because it is never begun in the first place.


Negative Correlation Theory


Did you know that most people are more afraid of success than they are failure? That's because the taste of success scares them into believing they will not be able to achieve the same results day in and day out, so they think it's better just to fail and not have that kind of pressure weighing down on their conscience. Why is that? It's called negative correlation theory, and most people who are addicted to nicotine feel it every hour of every day. They are afraid of quitting nicotine because they think they will feel even worse, even though the idea of quitting is a very positive one. They have correlated the feeling of withdrawals with the fear of success, and it takes the wind out of them every time they try.


The Nicotine Prison has Failure "Built in"


Nicotine itself is a prison, and anyone on cigarette or vape "lockdown" can attest to it, just ask them. Withdrawal symptoms are the prison guards, who instruct the "prisoner" to return to his or her cell and relax. There will be no escaping, they are told, because any attempt comes with a price to be paid, in addition to the current "sentence." That punishment is isolation, the same kind of isolation the nicotine user feels who tries to quit and fails, time and time again.


The Nicotine Escape Project has never been thought of before, so it has never been tried. It has been carefully planned to achieve a particular aim, with a solution nobody has ever seen, thought of, or even discussed. A new positive correlation is established between the creator of the Nicotine Escape Project and every person who engages it, so as each participant or "variable" increases strength and resolve, all others participating also increase their strength and resolve. In other words, all variables move in the same direction, so the positive correlation becomes exponential. Keep reading.


Suppose you were to gather data on bad habits, and determine that there is a strong relationship between how humans think negatively about quitting them. The more times they try to quit and fail, the more negative they think life will be without the habit. Yet, if they saw their friends and family escape their own bad habits, and decided to use the same blueprint plan for themselves, they may begin engaging positive correlation theory about their escape plan, and thus execute it perfectly, and actually escape their own bad habit.


Welcome to the Nicotine Escape Project, the most prolific plan for ending nicotine addiction, not temporarily, but forever more, as long as you live on this planet. Let your fear of success dissipate at this moment, and fade into the air, just like the smoke or vapor you exhale. This collaborative enterprise has been carefully planned so that it is very simple to carry out, and can be repeated just as easily any time, any day, by any one alive.


Every year, 1.3 billion humans on earth realize at some point that they are completely addicted to nicotine and have no idea how to quit. More than half will consider quitting and search for "quit methods," finding only alternatives that keep them addicted, because those methods have failure built in to them. If the prison guards know how you plan to try to escape, do you think you have any chance of pulling it off? Let that sink in for a minute, when considering the nicotine patch, nicotine gum, or psychotropic medications for "quitting." Instead of a blueprint plan for escape, they use a severely flawed plan with failure built in, and guess what happens.


A Blueprint Plan with Built-in Success


Nobody fears riding a bike after they learn how to ride one. You just get on and start pedaling. The balancing "act" becomes second nature, and your brain stops thinking about it, and your body just does the work automatically for you. Living without nicotine is the same, very simple, but the nicotine connoisseur rarely processes in their brain how this could be.


What if you were in prison but were innocent of any crime, would you consider a simple escape plan that bypasses the guards, the warden, the high walls, and the barbed-wire fences? Addictions are like prisons, but substance use disorder does not mean you are "guilty" of a crime. Welcome to the Nicotine Escape Project, where innocent people escape the shackles of a "crime" they never committed, instead, they were only "committed to it."


The Nicotine Escape Project


Hello World. Some people say "everything has been done before," but they are wrong, because every moment is an original moment, forevermore. Nobody has ever thought of, attempted, designed, implemented, or accomplished the Nicotine Escape Project before. Based on a prolific invention by a natural health advocate, investigative journalist, published author, and health writer who has studied natural remedies for two decades, the foundation of the Nicotine Escape Project is unique to this world.


I am an inventor. My name is Sean David Cohen. I am a journalist, an investigative reporter, a published author, and a graduate of the University of Georgia, twice. I have a Master's Degree in Education and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. I am the Founder and Owner of Krave Kicker, LLC.


I discovered a rare superfood extract that had previously only been available in supplements, and I decided to use it in a proprietary formula for a beverage that saves people from addictions by kicking cravings. That superfood extract naturally boosts dopamine levels and has the highest concentration of L-dopa on the planet.


In 2019, Krave Kicker was born. After two successful pilot runs, the commercial formula was perfected and Krave Kicker was launched nationally in late 2020. That's when the brand began to go viral. We have now entered a new research and development phase, part II, that will make Krave Kicker the greatest natural "zapper" for addiction cravings ever, in the history of the world. We are developing a more potent formula, new flavors, a 12-ounce carbonated beverage, and possibly even a chewing gum after that.


I have seen, my whole life, people die from addictions, like nicotine, alcohol, and sugar. I've watched the lives of people I know and love decay away, and nobody tries to save them. The treatment at hospitals only addresses the symptoms of the suffering, instead of the root cause.

Step out of the matrix. Enter the blueprint plan of the Nicotine Escape Project. This is not a test. This is a blueprint plan for escaping the 3rd most addictive drug on planet earth. Freedom for you starts right now.





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