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Showing posts from 2012

On December 31st, 2012, From the Natural News Blog World …

    May 2013 bring you …   Wonder and awe, health and happiness, fulfillment and Zen quiet love.   May your cup spill over and may you share your wealth. May your mornings be as great as your evenings, your winter as your summer.   May your knowledge grow with leaps and bounds, into eternity. May you learn what food feeds your soul and keeps you young.   Be silent and feel the truth of the world.   Levitate your spirit and share the love with everyone around you.   Have a wonderful New Year!     The following are a collection of poems, natural, organic thoughts, New Year’s resolutions and natural health “mission” statements for 2013:   “The Giving Tree”         by Shel Silverstein   Once there was a tree.... and she loved a little boy. And everyday the boy would come and he would gather her leaves and make them into...

The nexus between the AMA and pharmaceuticals is keeping real medicine away

  The American Medical Association or AMA, as it is more commonly known,   has always been a bastion of those whose only aim in life is to keep people submerged in an endless misery of diseases. Natural News has unveiled the true history of the AMA in its article. Since its inception in 1847, the AMA has been dedicated to destroying conventional methods of treatment that were practiced by Red Indian doctors, herbalists, and homeopaths. In order to engage in a medical practice, everyone had to obtain special approval from the AMA. Anyone found practicing medicine without approval was prosecuted and punished.   Natural News also provides a deep look inside the big pharmaceutical companies and biotech giants and reveals how they continue to poison general people in spite of the so called surveillance of the Food and Drug Administration . A recent book titled 25 Amazing Facts About The Hidde...

Quit smoking: A New Year's resolution!   On New Year's Eve, a lot of people make resolutions that they will quit smoking, but the promise hardly ends in successful execution. Now, Natural News has made available certain methods that can help a person quit smoking in 14 days. These methods are effective and tested so they are sure to deliver performance.   The main reason behind the inability to quit smoking is the lack of interest and lack of initiative. However, every year, thousands of people die all over the world as direct or indirect effect of smoking. It is a widely known fact that cigarette smoking is one of the main reasons of oral cancer. There are many people who fruitlessly try some baseless medicines in order to quit smoking. It is needless to say that these medicines are worth less and obviously fail to deliver what the consumer desires. So smokers can easily try these new methods propounded by Natural N...

The rise of evil ‘Pink:’ An eyewash in the fight against breast cancer

    The color pink has been associated with the issue of breast cancer for quite some time now. The massive campaign has gained so much ground that it has become a common culture in many parts of the world. Today, any fight against breast cancer is tagged with the color pink. Natural News reports that it is nothing but a simple profit earning stunt from big corporations who are marketing a disease brand rather than making people aware of the real dangers and solutions of breast cancer.   The massive eyewash campaign has been propagated successfully to such an extent that even professional athletes are now using pink towels and pinks shoes on the field. The rise of ‘Pink’ is fetching huge profits to those whose products are the main origin of breast cancer. This campaign hardly takes any initiative other than selling products in order to mis-educate people about the age old pro...

Antibiotic resistant bacteria in pork is a premonition for the future

    Livestock and cattle have always been fed with antibiotics and GMO crops in order to make them healthy. Natural News has always stated that this would one day have adverse effects on human health. That day has probably come as antibiotic resistant bacteria and drugs have been found to be present in pork in huge numbers. So, it is now for people to decide what they want to do with pork, do they want to consume it or do they want to leave pork out of their food chart?   Pork has been one of the   favorite foods of Americans for many, many years. Though there are many countries in the world where pork is not regarded as a food at all, Americans have always found immense pleasure pork. But this favorite food is now harboring certain elements that are enough to spoil human life. It is to be kept in mind that pigs at cattle farms are fed with GMOs and antibiotics ...

The British are coming! The British are coming! Oh, no wait, it’s just Obamacare.

Is there are war going on in the USA? Is the fiscal cliff fake? Are the 1% getting away with "murder?" Is the Government about to tax the hell out of everybody, for everything they make, own, buy and sell? Is this 2012 or 1775? What year are we living in? I think I'll go get a sandwich and a drink and figure it all out ...   Will that be a “ Double Irish" and a "Dutch Sandwich” to go, sir?  "Excuse me?  What is a Double Irish? And what’s a Dutch Sandwich?   Asking those questions is a dead give away as to whether you are part of the 1% or the 99% in America, and whether you are breathing through a tight straw to get oxygen, or if you’re flying around in a corporate Cessna jet, living the high life off the 99% tax hi-jacking. Are you some how a part of a small business, say, less than 50 workers, of which most work 40 hours a week? Well, not for long!   Today’s news: Huge Businesses like Google pay 3.5% taxes, your small business pays ...

Cattle industry went against Oprah, Dr. Oz advocates GMO

    The famous talk show host Oprah Winfrey once had to run to the courts as a lawsuit was filed against her back in the mid 90s. In 1996, Oprah hosted a show where the guest opined that there was always a possibility of an outbreak of mad cow disease as cattle all over the U.S. was fed with livestock who had died suddenly and without any apparent reason. However, this show created much controversy across the country as beef prices plummeted and cattle farmers were left with huge losses. They filed a lawsuit against the guest of the show, Howard Lyman, who was held responsible for their losses. However, Oprah being the host, was not spared.   Though cattle farmers said that beef was absolutely safe, there had already been an outbreak of mad cow disease in England prior to the telecast of the show. Moreover, the UK government had also accepted the fact that there was always a possibility of people getting infected with the disease due to uncontrolled con...

Your “label GMO” ballot box is in your pocket: CONTROL what you buy!

  You have complete control over the success or failure of companies who don’t care about your health. You have complete control as a consumer. You can choose NOT to buy anything made or processed by a company who makes money off your slow death. If someone came up to your and handed you a toxic drink and told you to take a few sips of it every day and they would pay you $20 a day, would you do it? Guess what, you probably already are. GMO food is unlabeled in USA , but in most other countries of the world it’s labeled. You may have heard about the California ballot to vote to label GMO, called Proposition 37. This was California ’s way to lead the country to label all GMO food, but it didn’t pass. Why, Big Corporations paid millions to snuff the vote, to lie, to deceive voters, to confuse them, to hide the truth. But there’s a different “vote” you cast every day, no matter what STATE you live in. You vote when you buy food and products. Yes, every single thing you ...