Ever come across the story
about Daisy’s missing tail? Well, Daisy is what the cow is lovingly called. She
is the brainchild of a few mad scientists who planned to play God and aimed at
creating low allergy milk. They have succeeded at it but does this mean that
this milk can be fed to the infants without welcoming any harmful side effects?
Of course not.
And, to promote and
legalize the usage and consumption of pasteurized and genetically modified milk,
the FDA has raged a war against the raw milk distributors and has even jailed a
number of them on this account. So, while the fresh milk distributors are
prosecuted, the GM milk suppliers are being hailed for their jobs.
As if GM crops were not
enough to mislead the adults, now these corporate driven scientists are even
targeting the infants. Is this insanity every going to end? As we wonder about
this, another important issues stares straight at us – genetic apocalypse! Many
may argue for cloning, but how far do we stretch nature’s resilience to achieve
our selfish ends? If this process of creating genetically engineered cows (and
thus milk) takes a wrong turn, then the scientists aren’t far away from being
termed as Franken-scientists.
It’s important that you
have all the resources in hand in order to protect yourself or offspring from
the attack of GM crops/milk. With respect to this, there is one review that
comes to the mind – ‘What’s in your milk?’ In this comprehensive publication authored
by scientist and activist Samuel Epstein, you will come across relevant and
useful details about the horrors of bio-engineering.