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GMO CORN in AMERICA: a slow toxic death from concentrated sugar syrup laced with pesticide – a new study


How do you make millions of people sick really fast and bankroll of it? Feed them sugar that is not only concentrated but contains pest killer in its DNA design.

Do you feed your family, your kids, GMO sugar? What are the politics of "food"?? What's your "stance" and what should it be??
People who call themselves Republicans or Democrats hate to hear that one of their “voted” Presidents or ex-prezidunces had anything to do with giving them a disorder or a disease. All people want to hear about politically is whether their “voted” dude lowered their tax rate or is blowing up some country that contains lots of terrorists who hate America. That’s about it. Most people have come to the realization, no matter what their political standing is, and no matter what bumper sticker they tout on their automobile, that politicians no longer do anything to help U.S. citizens, or education, health or infrastructure in the U.S., unless of course it makes those politicians a fortune in their personal business dealings. But then again, even those “improvements” are laced with misfortune, and failings, and toxic additives. Which toxic additive have you voted for? Which toxic additive did you help put in office, Reagan, Clinton, Bush “W”, Bush senior, or Obama? They all helped de-regulate the food industry inspections and quality control in this country. They all helped put the most dangerous additives in food ever known, like HFCS and MSG and Aspartame. They are all food additive criminal contributors, and it doesn’t matter if you “believe this or not” because it’s true and you are probably EATING cancer daily. You better stop! You better stop eating cancer. You better stop eating toxic GMO corn. Have you seen what it does to animals? Here’s the longest term study ever done on GMO corn; that is, if you like seeing and hearing the truth about your health and welfare:


Shock findings in new GMO study:


Rats fed lifetime of GM corn grow horrifying tumors, 70% of females die early

Learn more:


That’s just the tip of the iceberg! Mike Adams the Health Ranger has released this free download report about the Hidden History of Medicine and Toxic Food in the U.S., and it dates back 100 years. Learn how the infamous Presidents changed U.S. food to create disease for profit, to help their buddies who lobby in D.C. before and during the Presidential campaigns, who contribute funds so they can be repaid by YOUR CHEMOTHERAPY. Yes, they invest in slow death. This is no scam. This is no conspiracy theory. Facts are in writing.


Monsanto leading super-secret 'above Congress' Obama trade scheme to outlaw GMO labeling worldwide

Learn more:


Here are 50,000 more words to back it up.

Check out the Hidden History of Medicine fact #30:


History of medicine fact #30


“The Bush Administration pushed toxic food as plot to boost pharmaceutical dividends”


… George W. Bush had a circle of advisors who lead an onslaught of food and medicine industry deregulation which left the American public diseased and dying from several new faceless poisons that won't be going away any time soon.



Don’t Eat Cancer. Don’t be a “victim” who wonders why this is happening to you. Are you a “good person?” Eat good food then. Eat organic. Always eat organic. Where do you start? Here’s some natural knowledge from Natural News, the best health news website ever, and it’s free to read and learn!


Expose the truth so people can make informed decisions about their food!!


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Don’t ever eat or drink cancer!


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