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Scarier than street drugs – Vaccines are loaded with toxins and should be illegal!

You hear of people checking into rehab clinics all the time, to clean their system of street drugs they are addicted to – like heroin, cocaine, crystal meth, and even prescription drugs like xanax, oxycontin, prozak and the like. Some people are on the verge of death when they decide to change their life and “get clean.” The drugs wear them down, ruin their health, break down their immune system, rob their bodies of all nutrients, and propel diseases in the blood and central nervous system. Drugs have no biases either. They will take over any body they enter and do their chronic damage without delay. But most people don’t really feel sorry for drug users, figuring they had a choice, they could have said no, or listened to their doctor, if they ever had one, or they could have “checked in” earlier, before things got so bad. Some drug users will do anything for more drugs. They will rob people, steal things and sell them at pawn shops, or kill people for money for more drugs. Are they true criminals, or just users who are lost and dying?


The same could be said for people who get 25 vaccines before the age of 6. Their bodies are overwhelmed by toxins, their immunity is severely compromised, they may be losing their lives, stuck in a coma in a hospital or hospice, or in need of constant supervision their whole lives because they have some crippling disease or disorder, and who really cares, right, because the economy is so bad and afterall, they went to their doctor, took their advice, and got lots of vaccines to protect against disease and disorder, right? Who will compensate the families, especially now that no court in the land is required to hear their case, or help them, unless the Government feels sorry for them, or needs to shut their mouths so the story doesn’t make it into the mass media.


How could all of this be true? How can vaccines be like street drugs, full of God knows what and God knows why? How can people be legally injecting MSG and mercury into their babies and into themselves and expecting positive results? Are there clinics for people suffering from MSG syndrome? What about Formaldehyde Death Disorder? Is that a disease or is it made up? I thought they only use formaldehyde to preserve DEAD BODIES, not live ones! Would you inject cancer into your arm in order to prevent Polio? How stupid would that be?


Natural News has coverage of people doing JUST THAT for decades in America! “For decades, polio vaccines injected into tens of millions of people actually contained hidden cancer viruses (SV40 and others). This was openly admitted by a top Merck vaccine scientist named Hilleman. The CDC recently scrubbed its website of this information in a "revisionist history" purge. Up to 98 million Americans were exposed to hidden cancer viruses in polio vaccines. This is an historical fact.”

That’s just FACT #3 of 10 outrageous (but true) facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry don't want you to know


98 million Americans were exposed to hidden cancer viruses in polio vaccines

Want to see the tests run between vaccinated kids and unvaccinated kids to see who gets the most diseases? They don’t exist! Why – take a guess!


Did you know groups like the Amish who largely refuse to vaccinate their children have near-zero rates of autism? Most diseases are a form of cancer, a disorder of the cells, of the DNA, of the central nervous system, of the brain, of the functioning organs that filter toxins. Most diseases are cancerous and take over the body which is weak, weak from ingesting toxic food and TOXINS IN VACCINES, over and over, year after year.


Here’s FACT #10 that the Health Ranger Mike Adams posted for your review:

 The CDC openly admits that vaccines contain additives which are known to be potent neutoxic chemicals. Those additives include:

Mercury (still used as a preservative)
Aluminum (used as an inflammatory adjuvant)
Formaldehyde (used to "deactivate" live viruses)
MSG / Monosodium Glutamate (used to caused immune system inflammation)

Learn more:




Vaccines and flu shots are dangerous and loaded with ingredients that cause disorders, spread disease, start diseases there is no cure for, and mix bacteria with DNA and viruses mankind should NEVER combine! Vaccines are a 75 year hoax to convince people that if they get injected with a little bit of the “dead” or “deadened” version of something, their bodies will create antibodies to defend against it later, but what is happening instead is these injections, these MULTI-JABS are loaded with the worst toxins on the planet, and kids are suffering horrific disorders and diseases from them they would likely NEVER get, especially if they ate an organic diet and drank spring water their whole lives.



All of these substances are toxic to human biology when injected. All of them are still listed on the CDC website as vaccine additives. There is no rational doctor or scientist in the world who can say they believe injecting infants and children with mercury, formaldehyde, MSG and aluminum is somehow "safe," yet doctors inject children with these substances every single day in the form of vaccines. Doctors who inject children with vaccines are delusional. They are practicing a medical holocaust against humanity while fraudulently calling it "immunization." For the record, vaccination does not equal immunization.

Eat only organic food and consult a Naturopath or Nutritionist for more info:




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