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Heroin, Cocaine, Nicotine and yes, SUGAR addicts top the charts in America: A natural news inside look at sugar addiction


Look there, up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, no, it’s a fast food billboard! You’ve heard of the war on drugs and the war on cancer, and they are both a huge joke, because nobody in the media or the government really cares about your addiction or your mutating cells. Now there is a bigger joke, and its called Obamacare, and they are PUSHING SUGAR, and unhealthy, in fact toxic food like GMO, MSG and artificial sweeteners, which make you FAT. Yes, folks, it’s not conspiracy, its just how it is. Take it with a grain of iodized salt and you will lose. Take it seriously and with some Natural News and you can win the battles, the war, and come out victorious every day of your life from here on out. This is how.


Begin by filtering toxins out of your daily intake. Start with sugar and empty calories. Start with starches and bleached foods. I will name the major culprits: white sugar, white bread, white flour, white pasta, white rice, tap water (has fluoride and bleach), non-organic chocolate, fruit “juices” loaded with HFCS – high fructose corn syrup. White potatoes and French fries are OUT! Donuts and cakes and pies from the grocery are out. Major brand name cereals – out! If it doesn’t say organic, it’s dead and toxic nowadays. Refined sugar is creeping into organic foods too, so look for certified organic! Corn syrup is deadly; it kills you slowly and kills your immunity quickly.


Other countries do the opposite of USA. They have health insurance that is paid for with sales tax. Their doctors get paid more to get their patients healthy, not to make them sick with toxic cover-up “cosmetic” medicine.




Most people’s first mistake with sugar addiction is they trust the FDA, the CDC, their allopathic doctors and they follow BAD DIETS when things get bad. It’s like they are told that if they run FASTER towards the health cliff they’ll get to their “destination” sooner, but that target “weight” or “good feeling” is more addiction, to pharmaceuticals, or surgery, and that leads to chemotherapy, strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease where you don’t even know who your own relatives are, and it can get worse than that. Don’t be a victim. Sugar is an addiction. Admit it and change your ways in one day!


Start by getting a juicer and/or a smoothie making nutria-bullet or magic bullet. Then buy organic fruits and vegetables and get REAL spring water and start mixing, blending, juicing and living free of REFINED sugar. Get clean. Get “detoxified” and get back to normal healthy and spirited! Escape the sugar fix, the “drug” addiction, the street drug known as HFCS. Remember, sugar “substitutes” usually are even worse than sugar, as they are synthetic and cause liver and kidney problems, and MORE cancer. Never ever ever eat SORBITOL, SUCRALOSE OR ASPARTAME!


Find out more on this right here:


Artificial Sweetener Disease (ASD) is sweeping across America, affecting tens of thousands of consumers, and Western medicine calls it anything but what it really is, so that doctors can prescribe expensive pharmaceuticals and set up "check up" appointments for the following weeks.”

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Eliminate the insidious SUGAR dependency


Sugar addiction is a subtle and insidious dependency that creeps up completely unnoticed.”

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"Sugar is actually a form of addiction," adds Van der Velpen. "It's just as hard to get rid of the urge for sweet foods as of smoking.”

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Never EVER eat Cancer!  Get the book on this now:



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