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What’s so HARD about working out? - People just can’t “get going” - so Natural News has a solution


What’s so HARD about working out? - People just can’t “get going” - so Natural News has a solution: Clean out your pantry and join a gym, then go to the organic grocer and “reload” – it’s that simple. Take these 4 easy steps and solve your health and exercise “puzzle”:


Step one: Read about the longest study ever done regarding exercise and keeping your mind clear for life: The study, conducted by researcher from the Cardiff University and published in the journal PLOS ONE, followed 2,235 men from south Wales for 35 years, starting in 1979. The men, aged 45 to 49 at the study's start, answered regular questions about their lifestyle and health throughout the study.


Step two: Do not accept “dementia” as a standard or “normal” for old age. That is a big fallacy, and here is concrete proof from scientific/nutritional research: People who exercise regularly are “60 percent less likely to suffer from dementia or cognitive decline” Learn more:


Step three: Clean out your refrigerator, pantry, OTC medicine cabinet, and your freezer too, and go to the nearest organic grocer/health food store and buy 100% organic food, herbs, drinks, supplements, and even organic coffee/tea.


Step four: Join a gym or start using the membership you have. Otherwise, buy some good exercise equipment for your home, maybe a treadmill or stair “master” and get busy. Why will it be different this time? Because you are not eating chemicals and you are not drinking chemicals and you are NOT putting chemicals on your skin. That’s right, every skin care/personal product you use should be organic and chemical free. Make that change. Natural News is here to help!


Clear your mind and your body will follow! Cleanse your body and your brain and heart reward you. Reward your heart and you have it made:






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