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Biotech Exposed for Paying Journalistic "Thugs" and TV Producers to Spread Propaganda about GMOs Being Safe


What kind of people write books to say that cancer-causing foods are good for people and that they should embrace them? Who does that? Who sells their soul to the "devil" (Big Food/Big Pharma/Biotech) and writes online propaganda for pesticide-laden mutated food promotions? Nobody wants to be labeled a conspiracy theorist, but nobody wants to be fooled into eating toxic food either, so where do you draw the line - that LINE that separates the truth from fiction. It's that same line that separates the people on planet earth who NEVER GET CANCER and don't wonder why. That's one third of all living sapiens.



There's a writer for who fits the bill of propaganda "instigator" and perpetrator, who's been dragged through court for domestic violence and child abuse. He writes about GMO being safe. He writes this and tries to get rich spreading propaganda he knows is a BIG LIE. He lives his personal life the same way. Dragging people through the mud. There is no conspiracy here, except his conspiracy with Biotechnology companies to push pesticide-laden food on humans, so these corporations can better control the seeds of all the food we eat in America, and around the world.


There's a writer named Jon Entine, who used to be a TV hot shot producer and ABC News guy who help Tom Brokaw do his job, which involves selling a script to America so they'll eat processed food and believe what they hear on the boob-tube.


Turn off your television! It's useless, except for entertainment and sports statistics. Burn the newspapers. Log OFF of and other sites that support propagandists. AEI, American Enterprise Institute, is just a front for Biotech lies.



Have you ever seen the map of companies that have "sold out" to Big Food?


Check it out for a minute and then come back and read the rest of this blog!


Yes, some organic companies have been bought, literally, by huge corporations who not only DO NOT care about food quality, but purposely destroy nutrition in the name of Big Medicine. They make money off selling bad food that causes disorder and disease, but they label anyone who questions them or their practices as conspiracy theorists. They are the ones conspiring and denying they do it in the same light. They hire writers and propagandists like Jon Entine to promote their weed-killer food like GM Soy, GM Canola, GM Corn and of course Obamacare, which is what you get if YOU "buy into" the whole regime, the whole con, the whole ponzi scheme.


As Mike Adams reports from Natural News even back in 2008: The Federal Reserve is the greatest Ponzi scheme of them all:


A Ponzi scheme works like this: The con artist uses money from new investors to pay the apparent gains to previous investors, creating the appearance of dividends. With a solid track record of apparent gains, he attracts a growing base of new investors who funnel even more money into his hands. Behind the scenes, though, he's burning cash on an opulent lifestyle, using other people's money to make himself rich, even while cooking the books to make everybody think their money still exists.

In the end, of course, the whole thing collapses. There never was any steady growth. All the money is gone, and investors are left scratching their heads: Where'd my money go?

That Madoff, the former NASDAQ stock chairman, managed to do this with $50 billion without regulators noticing is perhaps the Wall Street story of the century. Somehow he was scamming some of the biggest players in the world while evading all accountability. Everybody was fooled. But (I) say there's a story that's even bigger... What story is that? The much larger Ponzi scheme being run by the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury.

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