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Ooops! - Triclosan antimicrobial agent in toothpaste and hand sanitizers found by UC Davis study to cause liver fibrosis and cancer

Your television program (news show) will tell you triclosan is safe, after they question what you are questioning. It's a mind game to win you over to the "dark side of the force," where corporations are hard at work to earn your dollar for pennies with products that send you back to them, for drugs to kill the pain.


It's a very simple process with very complicated results. The results are your cells actually becoming mutated, multiplying uncontrollably, and actually attacking your good cells. If this happens inside your liver, you die. What's the problem with hand sanitizers if they're just going on your skin, and not in your mouth? It soaks right in. Your skin is your largest organ, but your liver awaits. Can your liver deal with this added carcinogen? Will it be the straw that broke the camel's back? A recent study out of UC Davis will tell you to watch out! - in so many words. But watch out for the news, because they will have their own spin on it, and that will help the commercials sell those products, and the station will keep its ratings, and Big Medicine will smile when you walk in the doors for chemo.


Still, always the tricky language from CNN and other reviews:


"The main concern with triclosan, however, is that it doesn't protect against viruses or fungi."


See how they steer you and maneuver you that there are just smarter choices, but really no danger? So if this catastrophe of adding cancer causing ingredients to toothpaste and hand sanitizer kills a few thousand people or more, it just wasn't one of the smartest choices you could have made. Because it's all really just YOUR choice. Don't believe the commercials, they're ALL paid for by Big Pharma. Oops, sorry Big Pharma ...  natural health enthusiasts aren't falling for it, and we're spreading the word fast:


Yes, and there's more:


""Hand-washing campaigns reduce absenteeism in schools," says Bowen, "and that means parents miss fewer days of work, too."

To see these effects, though, you have to wash your hands correctly.


More propaganda:


"Recent claims that triclosan in Colgate Total can lead to cancer are absolutely untrue. Global regulators have reviewed the issue of carcinogenicity and have concluded that triclosan in consumer products does not pose a human cancer risk."

This from Natural News on December 11th, 2014:


However, data obtained from the most recent study suggests that triclosan does in fact cause cancer, specifically liver cancer. Published in the November 17 journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study's data shows that triclosan causes liver fibrosis and cancer in laboratory mice, findings that could be potentially be relevant to humans.


Don't be a statistic. Examine ingredients and their carcinogenic qualities ...

Learn more:


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