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Step 6 to Quitting Cigs: Please Excuse Me, While I "Burst into Flames"

"Health is your greatest wealth."

How excited would you be if I handed you $3,000 cash and told you that you'll never crave another cigarette as long as you live? Picture this: One year from today, you've completely morphed into a healthy, happy, motivated person who others ask for advice. You've saved $3,000 you would have spent on your pack-a-day habit and you have an abundance of energy. Everyone is noticing. Did you know attention goes where energy flows?

One key to changing your lifestyle and your health is to not talk too much about it. People have the tendency to try to announce everything they're trying to accomplish everywhere all at once, at the beginning, like to their relatives, friends and on social media. Not the best plan. Then you burn out trying to do it all and nobody is impressed later when you actually accomplish it, if that day ever comes.

Instead, try this. Purchase one single bottle of 4-Hour Krave Kicker and set it on the table at home, then turn on your favorite motivation song that has inspirational lyrics you love. Before you drink it, I want you to make a toast and a promise to yourself ... one that's easy to keep, but the first stepping stone that will lead you across the "raging river" to freedom.

Close your eyes and picture yourself jogging on the beach with your headphones or ear buds pumping out some awesome song. The sun is just coming up, the birds are flying and the fish are jumping. Some people are relaxing in their beach chairs watching you jog by as your feet hit the sand, your posture is perfect, and they can almost feel your heart pumping blood throughout your entire body. They're wondering what you're listening to and they want to be like you.

They're wondering if you're rich and successful. They're wondering if you live in some huge beach house with the perfect view. They're guessing that you are very healthy and that you don't need medications to stay that way. They're guessing to themselves what you'll be eating for lunch and dinner.

Feeling some kind of extra-sensory perception, you can feel their wonder and you absorb their energy. It flows where you go. You breathe in the salty perfect oxygen. The sand squishes between your toes every time each foot lands in the wet sand by the shore break waves that wash up near you.

You have yet to tell anyone at all that you quit cigarettes weeks ago. A few people noticed you look better. You just smiled and said "thanks."

Finally, you stop running and just walk to cool down. You've sweat up a storm. All those toxins are released. You feel them leave your body. This is the best moment of your life so far.

It's amazing, because it's not some huge event. You didn't win some glamorous prize or award. It's not about some job promotion or big purchase. It's how you feel. It's your outlook. It's a view of yourself, now and into the future. You realize you did this all on your own. The best part is that it's so simple to repeat, to recreate, to continue.

Do you know why you feel this way? Let me explain. You were born into this world in an organic state. You didn't need chemicals and drugs to survive and thrive. Your body is a machine. All it needs is clean food and clean water to excel. Your mind is one with your body. It all functions as one.

When you live clean you function as ONE with the whole universe. You're not jealous of anyone. You don't crave things you don't need. You don't pollute your self because that diminishes your connection. You feel amazing. It's relentless and you feel that nobody can stop you. Guess what? They can't. They won't. You won't let them.

It's time to go to a health food store, buy some organic food and some key supplements, like vitamin D3, garlic and turmeric. It's time to buy your favorite fresh produce, maybe some watermelon, some bananas and a juicy nectarine. Change the fuel you put in your body and you change your "output" every moment after.

It's good to be this excited. Don't let it make you nervous and don't make too much of it. Don't make a big deal about it. Act like it's easy, because it is. Don't set unreachable goals. Keep each goal you set just one simple step further than the previous one. Mansions and castles are built one brick, one stone at a time, and carefully placed at that.

Meanwhile, stay excited. Don't let little problems bug you. Traffic, bills and "technical difficulties" come with the territory of modern life. So what! Deal with it, get around it, forge through it – do what you have to do and know that your health is your greatest wealth.

I'm excited for you. I'm smiling right now while typing this sentence. I know you can do it. Remember, 4-Hour Krave Kicker is just one stepping stone. Use it. It's your secret superfood. Every day now is the first day of the rest of your healthy life.

Do you feel that? That's the fire burning in your soul that's calling you to burn the fat, sweat out the toxins, and accomplish everything your heart desires. Now drink your Krave Kicker and learn the final steps to your life without the need for nicotine and pesticide poisoning.


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