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A soda can actually kill you besides just satisfying your thirst!

According to Natural News, researchers at the University of Utah have found out through their experiments that refined sugar consumption is dangerous for health. Their experiments conducted on female mice showed that they suffered from a 100% increase in death rate along with a high drop in fertility rate. In fact, the males also suffered from impaired ability to hold territory. This is another shocking food study after the GMO rat’s study that highlighted the side effects of GMO food consumption. "Our results provide evidence that added sugar consumed at concentrations currently considered safe exerts dramatic adverse impacts on mammalian health," the researchers explain. James Ruff, one of the researchers, stated that the sugar consumption did not lead to any kind of body weight or obesity issues, but a closer look revealed its more dangerous side effects.

For more information, log onto: Modified Corn, or GMO Corn as it is more popularly known, has side effects that are more horrifying than what is actually being projected by the government. The study that was undertaken to identify the long term effects of consuming Monsanto's genetically modified corn led to the exposure of some horrifying truths, such as the development of tumors, widespread organ damage, and premature death.

The study is being considered as "the most thorough research ever published into the health effects of GM food crops and the herbicide Roundup on rats." The media is spreading this horrifying news like wildfire so that people may be aware of what they are consuming and what effects it will have on them in the long run. It is also highlighting how the government has tried to underplay the whole issue.

To see some fascinating and interesting clips regarding the horrifying truth about refined sugar consumption and more, one can easily log onto:









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