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Egyptian jewelry crafted with artifacts from outer space 5,000 years ago?

Are they simple iron beads or METEORS? - That is the question! How did Egyptians bang this metal into thin sheets, from a meteor, and then rap it around tubes and wooden sticks? How does that work? Mix in some gold and gemstones with that meteor from space and wear it around your neck like nothin’ happened. Right. Has anyone looked at the cave drawings lately inside the Great Pyramid? Let’s do the math. These findings were excavated in 1911, in a pre-dynastic cemetery near the village of el-Gerzeh in Lower Egypt.




“This is very different technology from the usual stone bead drilling, and shows quite an advanced understanding of how the metal smiths worked this rather difficult material.”


Their study, published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, further explains how the rock from outer space was meticulously hammered into thin sheets and then rolled into tubes that were woven around wooden sticks to create 0.8-inch-long, tube-shaped beads.

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“Ancient Egyptian beads found in a 5,000-year-old tomb were made from iron meteorites that fell to Earth from space, according to a new study. The beads, which are the oldest known iron artifacts in the world, were crafted roughly 2,000 years before Egypt's Iron Age.”

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Unique textures of nickel, phosphorous, cobalt, and germanium reminiscent of meteoric iron

So what happened? Did a meteor crash to Earth, in Egypt, about 5,000 years ago, and everybody grabbed their hammers and fire and melted out some beautiful jewelry?


Maybe a space ship full of aliens came down, left some jewelry for the Egyptians so they would have some “souvenirs” and other appreciative beings of Earth would have proof of life elsewhere and stories to tell the grandchildren?


Maybe the aliens helped the Egyptians with their metalurgy and that’s why there are so many carvings and heiroglyphics in the caves and tombs showing alien ASTRONAUTS with head gear and little space crafts that look just like ours do today.


Maybe Hubble has pictures of life out there, but the politicians keep it buried from the public?


Maybe, just maybe, people are much smarter than we think, and there’s life all over the place, and we tap into intelligence, real universal intelligence, once in a “blue moon,” and we share it with each other in the name of true history, living in the “now,” and our wonderful “scientific” and soulful future of evolution?


Want some “scientific” FACTS that prove there is life that visited Earth from Beyond?


What about people who can visit other planes and come back to tell about it, like the afterlife? Mike Adams of Natural News assures us we are not alone: “We are but one intelligent species among billions. Not only are we not alone, but the very idea that we could possibly BE alone is incomprehensible.”

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