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Showing posts from 2014

Depressed Farmers and Depressed Americans "losing their minds" thanks to Corporate Greed and Pesticides

The US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in their landmark Agricultural Health Study studied a group of 89,000 farmers and other pesticide applicators in Iowa and North Carolina. The mammoth study concluded that, "use of two pesticide classes, fumigants and organochlorine insecticides, and seven individual pesticides--the fumigants aluminum phosphide and ethylene dibromide; the phenoxy herbicide (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)acetic acid (2,4,5-T); the organochlorine insecticide dieldrin; and the organophosphate insecticides diazinon, malathion, and parathion--were all positively associated with depression in each case group." The study showed that farmers with the highest number of lifetime exposure days to pesticides were 50 percent more likely to later have a depression diagnosis. The research linked long-term use of pesticides to higher rates of depression and suicide. Evidence also suggests that pesticide poisoning--a heavy dose in a short...

Prepare your own food even if the Big USA crashes!

According to Natural News , Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has come up with an invention that will allow anyone to: • Grow food at remarkably little expense • Produce over 200% more food in the same space compared to square foot soil gardening. • Grow food with over 500% higher mineral nutrition than store-bought foods. • Produce your own high-potency natural medicines including anti-cancer medicine, right at home, for virtually free. • Create your own high-potency plant-based mineral supplements which can be easily dried and stored for later use in capsules or powders. • Grow high-calorie-producing ROOT vegetables, including potatoes, carrots and beets, using variations of this system. • REMOVE all toxic heavy metals from your water source. One of the top innovations in this system is a 3D printable device that removes heavy metals from water. • The system requires NO electricity. There are NO power cords. There are NO pumps. One of the Health Ranger...

Would you pay yourself half a million dollars to quit smoking? Get ready!

Hello, smokers around the world. Big question: If half a million dollars in cash was on the table and you had to decide right now to quit smoking cigarettes and never pick up another one, would you pick up the pack of Marlboro Reds or the fat stack of cash?! Every smoker in the world has heard at least once how much money they're wasting on cigarettes. They usually hear it from their relatives. Somebody did the math, and it was ugly, but it obviously still didn't matter enough. So who's talking about $500,000 now? That's half a million dollars. Could this much money really be at stake, today, when you make that choice? Rising cost of a pack of cigarettes The cost of a pack of cancer sticks ranges from $5.00 to $14.50, depending on city, county and state, and of course, being in a state the grows the MOST tobacco helps, like Kentucky. In metropolitan cities like New York, cigarettes cost over $14.00 per pack! And so the math gets started at a pack a...

Don't Eat Cancer but Do Take Supplements - the opposite of what America teaches the masses

  No wonder there's so much PREVENTABLE disease occurring in the United States today. People are obese, sick, suffering from arthritis, osteoporosis and cancer and fighting off heart attacks and diabetes, as if these diseases were commonplace 100 years ago, but they weren't.   People are convinced by MDs that their problems are genetic or due to weak organs, weak cells, or bad blood. People are conned into eating the same dangerous foods for years because MDs refuse to recommend organic food as medicine and supplements for the nutrients we rarely see in common foods, like Superfoods and herbal tinctures.   And it's not just about preventable disease either. It's about feeling good, being creative, thinking outside the box, deep thinking, meditation, and thriving in the face of adversity, but eating all the wrong foods, taking synthetic medications, and drinking tap water WILL lead you to an early grave. So what to do? Start by asking yourself HOW y...

The fear of quitting smoking has you HOOKED ... Eliminate it!

The greatest fear of quitting smoking is the fear of the feelings of anxiety, depression and overall "crankiness" from the withdrawals of nicotine. Any smoker who has tried to quit in the past knows that this is a very tough period to go through, especially if stressful events happen on top of it all. The fear of that anxiety and nervousness "never ending" can last for hours, days and even weeks, seemingly having no "light at the end of the tunnel" and sending the new "non-smoker" back to the well. And that's it. Once you smoke ONE cigarette, you get dragged back into the habit like a strong undertow in the ocean, and before you know it, you're right back to smoking a pack a day, or two packs a day, or was it three? A man once told me that he couldn't quit smoking because his wife would find out. I said, you mean, she doesn't know that you started back up again? He said yes, and when he quits, he gets really cranky ...

Eating food and drinking water during the Big USA "Crash" of 2015/2016 - Obama won't be coming to "save you"

  What is "Riotsville" USA ?? The Health Ranger says it could be on its way soon, and if you live anywhere near a metropolitan size city you won't like it a bit, in fact, it could be your demise. If you've watched the news lately and seen scenes of protests that quickly escalate into police brutality (unwarranted) and then to riots, you know what a riot looks like. It will be much worse when the "rioters" outnumber the police, like ten or twenty to one. That's when most US cities become war zones, with DHS, the Dept. of Homeland Security, saddling up with all their armor suits, armor tanks and hollow point bullets. That's when the DHS puts to work their thousands of machine guns they bought a couple years ago, to use on the public who aren't getting fed by their Big "daddy" government.   Riotsville USA can arrive overnight too. All it would take is a huge stock market "cliff", or a nuclear plant meltdown like ...

Keep your New Year’s resolution for 2015 – Stop smoking!

  Did you do it? Did you say you would stop smoking for 2014? What about for 2015? Have you yet? Are you trying? Do you know how? If you have the will power, there is a way! There is a way to quit smoking in 14 days or less, without the patch, without medication, without hypnosis, and you can learn from the best! First of all, let’s debunk the scams, the shams and the risky products and then talk about the natural way to get off cigarettes for good. Medications like Chantix and Zyban do work for some people, but for others, they block natural dopamine production in the body and lead to heightened anxiety, depression, feelings of suicide and even suicide itself. ( http://www.naturalnews.com ) The nicotine patch only releases about 1 milligram of nicotine per hour, which is nothing like smoking commercial cigarettes, which are loaded with up to 100 mg of nicotine in just one cigarette, due to ammonia (free-basing) treatment ...

Emergency Kits: what is the underlying government motive in it?

According to Natural News , the Treasury Department is looking to buy survival kits for all of its employees who are proprietors of the federal banking system, according to a new government solicitation posted online. As reported by The Washington Free Beacon (FB), the emergency goods and supplies are for every employee at the Office of the Comptroller and Currency -- the OCC -- which is in charge of conducting on-site reviews and audits of banks around the nation. According to the solicitation, each survival kit contains everything from water purification tablets to solar blankets. And the government is willing to spend up to $200,000 on the kits. For more information, log onto: As reported on Natural News : The FB noted that the Treasury Department specified that the kits come in either a fanny pack or backpack that can hold all of the requested items, whi...

Smoke the smoking habit with the best natural method in the world and have a happy New Year!

  The Best Natural Method to Stop Smoking is here: According to ABC News , scientists say the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should take warnings about the stop-smoking drug Chantix up a notch, citing data showing that the drug increases suicidal behavior and depression far more than other drugs and methods designed to help smokers quit. Chantix, also called varenicline, has been hotly debated since 2007, when experts first raised questions about the long-term safety of the drug and its connection to cardiovascular problems and vision lapses. Since then, studies have reported that patients taking Chantix are at increased risk of depression and suicidal thoughts. Anecdotally, patients report wild dreams, inexplicable violent behavior and other psychological disturbances while on the drug. In 2009, the FDA placed a "black box" wa...

Cure for Ebola?! Why not announce it on TV ...

  Could the US Government be withholding information from the general public regarding preventing or curing ebola? Natural News has the inside scoop on a scientist who may actually be able to beat it back with ... get this .... oxygen. "The treatment method for African Ebola patients which Dr. Rowen and Dr. Robins taught uses direct intravenous oxygen gas, which is 99 percent oxygen (O 2 ) and one percent ozone (O 3 ). "You start slow with 20cc. [Dr. Robin] works up to a maximum of 120cc of gas. He gradually increases the concentration. Initially, in the early stages of this treatment, you can get a cough and some chest tightness, which eventually with further treatments modulates and goes away. It doesn't seem to be a big problem... [but] can be a little uncomfortable, because it takes about five to 10 minutes for it to go away," explained Dr. Rowen to . He also stated that it was "extraordinarily effective" and "dirt c...

Quit smoking now and save your baby

  Are you planning a baby, pregnant now, or celebrating your new child already? So let it be written, so let it be sealed - that you will never smoke another cigarette as long as you live, and you will not only do this for yourself, but for your child. If you could stop smoking naturally, without using some scary medication and without ever going back to smoking, wouldn't you begin right away? If you have the will, natural news health enthusiasts know the way , and so do thousands of ex-smokers who are now their own health enthusiasts, raising children in a smoke-free environment they so deserve. Second-Hand and Third-Hand Smoke According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cigarette smoking results in nearly half-a-million premature deaths in the United States each year - that's about one in every five U.S. deaths. An additional sixteen million people suffer with a serious illness caused by smoking. In fact, for every one person who die...

Best Natural Method to Stop Smoking isn't coming from the FDA, the CDC or scary commercials

According to ABC News , scientists say the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should take warnings about the stop-smoking drug Chantix up a notch, citing data showing that the drug increases suicidal behavior and depression far more than other drugs and methods designed to help smokers quit. Chantix, also called varenicline, has been hotly debated since 2007, when experts first raised questions about the long-term safety of the drug and its connection to cardiovascular problems and vision lapses. Since then, studies have reported that patients taking Chantix are at increased risk of depression and suicidal thoughts. Anecdotally, patients report wild dreams, inexplicable violent behavior and other psychological disturbances while on the drug. In 2009, the FDA placed a "black box" warning label on Chantix and another drug, Zyban, cautioning doctors and patients about the risk of depression, hostility and suicidal thoughts. But some researchers say these warn...

Ooops! - Triclosan antimicrobial agent in toothpaste and hand sanitizers found by UC Davis study to cause liver fibrosis and cancer

Your television program (news show) will tell you triclosan is safe, after they question what you are questioning. It's a mind game to win you over to the "dark side of the force," where corporations are hard at work to earn your dollar for pennies with products that send you back to them, for drugs to kill the pain.   It's a very simple process with very complicated results. The results are your cells actually becoming mutated, multiplying uncontrollably, and actually attacking your good cells. If this happens inside your liver, you die. What's the problem with hand sanitizers if they're just going on your skin, and not in your mouth? It soaks right in. Your skin is your largest organ, but your liver awaits. Can your liver deal with this added carcinogen? Will it be the straw that broke the camel's back? A recent study out of UC Davis will tell you to watch out! - in so many words. But watch out for the news, because they will have their own ...

How ineffective is the flu vaccine? Should you avoid them all from now on?!

According to Natural News , a video from Gary Franchi of NextNewsNetwork reveals the shocking admission by the CDC that this year's flu vaccine doesn't work. For the first time we can remember, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are going on the record, saying the flu vaccine won't work this year. The warning comes just before the busiest part of flu season, in January and February. Unfortunately, there won't be any refund for any of the patients or insurance companies who spent money on flu shots earlier this fall. But don't worry. Just when you thought that perhaps the CDC could boost their credibility, they found a way to put a sales pitch on the end of their warning. The CDC says if you do come down with the flu, there's a cure. It's just going to cost more money. CDC officials are urging doctors to prescribe two specific antiviral medications for any patients who come in with flu symptoms. Just last week, the CDC issued a warn...

Biotech Exposed for Paying Journalistic "Thugs" and TV Producers to Spread Propaganda about GMOs Being Safe

    What kind of people write books to say that cancer-causing foods are good for people and that they should embrace them? Who does that? Who sells their soul to the "devil" (Big Food/Big Pharma/Biotech) and writes online propaganda for pesticide-laden mutated food promotions? Nobody wants to be labeled a conspiracy theorist, but nobody wants to be fooled into eating toxic food either, so where do you draw the line - that LINE that separates the truth from fiction. It's that same line that separates the people on planet earth who NEVER GET CANCER and don't wonder why. That's one third of all living sapiens.   There's a writer for who fits the bill of propaganda "instigator" and perpetrator, who's been dragged through court for domestic violence and child abuse. He writes about GMO being safe. He writes this and tries to get rich spreadi...