Step 2:
Extinguish "Cigarette Hangover"
"There is no knowledge that's not power." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
What do you do when you have a hangover from alcohol? You
sleep as long as you can, then take two aspirin and drink lots of water. What
do you do to kill the hangover you get from smoking pesticide, ammonia and
embalming fluid? (Yes, commercial cigarettes contain formaldehyde) – You
reverse the effect by boosting up your system's dopamine production naturally,
while replenishing the vitamins that have been completely drained from your
system, including vitamins C and E.
Dopamine is your natural "feel good" hormone your
body produces for you when you eat the right foods and supplements. One
problem: smoker's production of this feel good chemical is severely depleted
and crippled, and has been since you started chain smoking. It's kind of like a
diabetic who ate so much sugar, certain cells are destroyed, so their body
simply stops creating insulin for them, except for with smokers it's a hormone
that they need to get excited, to feel motivated, or in order to deal with a
That's why when smokers need any kind of motivation or nerve
calming, they smoke. Got yard work to do? Grab a smoke. Job interview about to
happen? Light up first. Just had a screaming argument with your spouse or your
rebel teenager? Fire up a dope stick. Between long flights on a trip with
screaming babies? Time for a bogey, a square, a cig. You need "EDA" –
emergency dopamine assistance, and the ONLY way you know how to get it
is from a cigarette ... or is it?
Twenty minutes after smoking a cigarette, your EDA from the last
cigarette you smoked starts wearing off, fading, failing you. The cigarette
hangover starts creeping in. You feel nervous for no apparent reason. You feel
edgy. Anything annoying or negative that happens around you or to you and you
want to chop somebody's head off and scream. Traffic heavy? You need EDA. Just
got chewed out by your supervisor at work? You need EDA. A bill just showed up
in your mailbox or email that's "past overdue" or twice the size you
thought it would be? You simply must have that EDA.
Emergency dopamine assistance in the form of nicotine
eliminates the cigarette hangover, but it's a huge tradeoff for another
cigarette hangover that begins twenty minutes after you finish that one. The
relentless maddening cycle of self-punishment and affliction is pure insanity
and you can't escape ... or can you?
Who out there knows anything about a natural velvet bean
that grows in tropical climates on Earth and just so happens to be the most
popular natural medicine in India ?
Mucuna Pruriens are grown on climbing vines or lianas that
intertwine through rain forest trees. Their pods are formed on rope like stems
hanging from the canopy of the forest. Peel back the purple velvety outer layer
and you have a legume that contains a natural drug that's a precursor to
dopamine production in the human body.
Guess what? You just discovered a natural alternative to
nicotine that serves your emergency dopamine assistance needs. You just
discovered by reading this handbook a natural way to eliminate the cigarette
One bottle of Krave Kicker has just the right
amount of mucuna to eliminate your cigarette cravings for 4 hours, not to
mention extinguishing your anxiety and depression. Yes, there is food that you
never heard of before, and now it's easy to find, cheap to buy, and safe to
use. What a revelation, huh?
So then, some big questions loom for you. They beg for
answers. You want to know right now whether you can take Krave Kicker
all day and feel no need to smoke. Can you afford to buy enough Krave
Kicker to literally put an end to your smoking habit forever? Are there
any side effects, like there are from smoking cigarettes? Can you take too
much? Would it cost more than your smoking habit is costing you right now?
Let's answer every question you have right now in step three.