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Step 3: "Kraving" Answers and Solutions

Step 3: "Kraving" Answers and Solutions

"Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers." - Voltaire

The best answer to any question comes from asking the best question possible. How do you word your most important questions? Do you "crave" answers or do you believe there are no answers to your problems? Maybe you've just been asking the wrong questions or wording them improperly. Bad questions get you bad answers. Google itself is wrought with bad answers about health and medicine, because it's run by the medical institutions that make a fortune off your misery. So what now?

Your new cravings come in the form of answers to your problems instead of more poison that only serves as temporary relief. Trust me ... I've been there. I've smoked cigarettes way back in Junior high school, and drank lots of alcohol as a teenager and in college. I've smoked cigars and I chewed tobacco. I've dipped. I've vaped.

Heck, my grandfather smoked himself to death when I was just a little kid. My mother watched him die from lung cancer. The doctor told him two years prior that if he didn't stop smoking he would surely die. Did he quit? Nope. Couldn't. That was the 1970s when Big Tobacco had already begun using ammonia to freebase the nicotine to make it up to 35 times more addicting. Yes, that's why smokers could quit much easier before that.

According to renowned world traveling, world famous, raw food expert David Wolfe (just check YouTube if you don't know him yet), there's no way to "overdose" on mucuna pruriens. You see, it's really just a legume (a vegetable). Many animals eat the whole plant. Mucuna is sometimes used as a coffee substitute.

The plant contains strong levels of L-Dopa often utilized for traditional and Ayurvedic medicine. Tribal communities even use it to treat snakebites. You've been bitten by a highly poisonous snake too – it's called cigarette addiction. Mucuna is also used to treat diseases like Parkinson's.

So yes, you can take Krave Kicker all day, every day in order to kick the cravings of cigarettes, feel amazing, and completely, once and for all, eliminate the cigarette hangover. Then you won't even want to smoke. Get it? That's the key. You will NOT want to smoke.

Next question answered now. Can you afford it? Wait a second. Do you think you can afford not to use Krave Kicker? Smoking can cost you everything you have. No matter what kind of medical coverage you have (if you have any at all), then you could still go bankrupt trying to pay for surgeries, radiation treatments and chemotherapy, which all still today only yield a miserable 3% success rate at defeating cancer. Yes, that's a 97% failure rate for chemo. Oops. We said it.

Krave Kicker is also discounted if you buy more than one bottle at once. Before you know it, you're done buying cigarettes, lighters, breath mints, chewing gum, diet soda, expensive dry cleaning for your clothes, outrageous dental bills, teeth whitening products (that often cause cancer themselves), headache medicine, cough medicine, air fresheners, and the list goes on forever. That money all adds up. It's added up. It has broken your wallet, your purse, your bank account for years. So, can you afford Krave Kicker for as long as necessary? You bet. It's only your health, wealth and life at stake. Take control!

Next question. Are there any side effects? The answer is NO. Since Krave Kicker only contains natural ingredients that come from natural food and organic food, there are no "side effects." In fact, it's just the opposite. You are giving your body what it wants most. Did you know, according to validated scientific research, vitamin C and vitamin E work in tandem to help your body prevent and beat lung cancer?

Twelve years ago, researchers at Oregon State University discovered that supplements of vitamin C can stop the critical depletion of vitamin E that happens to smokers. This means these two vitamins, or antioxidants, work in tandem. The findings are published in "Free Radical Biology and Medicine," a professional journal published by scientists at OSU working at the Linus Pauling Institute.

If you know anything about science, you'll be happy to know the research was based on a placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical study with smokers and non-smokers. The results? Smokers who took the two supplements together had around the same level of antioxidant protection as non-smokers! So does that mean if you're a smoker and you take those vitamins you can continue to smoke and avoid cancer? No. There are hundreds of different types of cancers, and you'll want to find out more natural remedies later in this handbook for those. Still it's amazing how simple our health solutions can really be if we know exactly WHAT to buy.

Bottom line: Lots of nutrition research in the past studied only nutrients in isolation. This research and other similar studies prove that combining the right vitamins, minerals, superfoods and supplements can provide positive results for smokers and all humans in general.


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